Post Your Unis Here!

Nice. Except, you should have got a stripped frame :roll_eyes:


u guys are all so lucky

You guys are alls o lucky, even if you guys think your suck mines worse. Im a nooby unicycler so its all i need for now but still, (i dont wanna post a pic of it…to embarressing on a web site like this. Its like a no name unicycle thats left pedal falls of if i dont tighten it every now and then (by now and then i mean every 5 to 10 minutes:(

Really crappy unis can be fun to look at too :roll_eyes: :sunglasses:

That crank is probably stipped at the pedal hole.
Clean both surfaces and put the pedal back on w/ blue locktite.
If that doesn’t work, re-clean and use the red (permanent).

Don’t be hard on it until you get new cranks or a stronger uni.

Hi Isaac,
I prefered the black one, because I also got a yellow fluo kit (Pedals, wheel and seat clamp and black tire). I think it will be better with the black frame.
I’m agree with skilewis, the crappy unis can be really funny.
I also break a pedal on an old uni, I lose my pedal half time I was jumping with my it. Really good challenge to ride with!

that´s my KH 07 :slight_smile:
it´s really a great uni!!


nice, but the yellow pedals kinda kill the color scheme you had going there.

Yah, I’m still kinda jealous though.

Today at Sullivan Canyon. Although the temps were only in the mid 40’s (°F) for the entire 9 mile MUni ride, I was still sweating! :o

Sounds like you had a good time.

Indeed! But I deleted it here and reposted in “Pictures of your latest ride”. Sometimes I get the two threads mixed up, lol. :o

Its ok it happens to me all the time(post being deleted out from under me).

Haha well I thought I should reply anyway, rather than just delete it and not acknowledge your reply. :slight_smile:

Here is my 24" next to my girlfriends 20". I really like mine because it fits well all around, but her 20" is easier to jump and idle with

My first store bought muni

I bought this on e-Bay just cause I wanted the wheel for another project I’m building. This is the first unicycle that I’ve ever purchased.

Should I strip it down or keep it as it is? Oh yeah, I paid $200 for it was that a deal on a wheel or what!

Nice uni, looks very good.
What kind of seatbase does it have?


Don’t know but the uni says Phantom Hooply on the leg, and I’ll bet someone on this forum knows who’s it was and what it is? Normally I have just made my own uni’s. Guess I got used to not being close to a place you could buy them.

Is that a profile hub? I didn’t know Hoppleys had profile hubs.

Wasn’t that the 700$ ‘pink pantha’? If so LOL.

Awesome deal on that unicycle. The seat post clamp is backwards, make sure the left crank is on the left side.

Custom wheel, hoppley frame.


Yep I just checked, Profile hub and cranks. Cranks are correct and seatpost clamp is the same direction as most on unicycle .comm