ℹ Post Unicycles for sale on other sites here!

QU-AX 36er On Gumtree (UK)

Was posted 19 days ago, but they might still have it, and if its still available they might accept a reduced price :wink:


Huni Rex on Ebay

Just seen this on ebay:


OBVIOUSLY its waaay too cheap, so be aware that the seller has zero feedback. It dispatches from China, so who knows what you’d get! :wink:

free rims —and in one case tires— with Surly bike frames

From the Surly blog, 16 May: We have Moonlander, Pugsley, ECR, Krampus, Ice Cream Truck and Instigator frames still available, and they come with a free pair of rims with the frame. Moonlanders, Ice Cream Truck, and Pugs will come with a pair of black Rolling Darryls, and ECR, and Krampus frames will ship with a pair of black Rabbit Hole rims. Instigator frames will ship with Rabbit Hole rims, and we’ll also toss rim strips and a pair of Dirt Wizard tires in the box too. Don’t delay folks. We’re running out of these frames, but there’s still a few stragglers (metaphorical stragglers, not the bikes). Head to your local bike shop and ask them to hook you up. That’s what they’re there for. USA dealers only, sorry but that’s where our main stock is.

An interesting custom handlebar/offset saddle on ebay.

That second one to allow shorter riders to fit a 36"… That is bonkers!

Just FYI, I see that’s from Brycer on this forum. (Just in case anyone wants extra information.) I’ve purchased two sets of Magura brakes from him.

That thing is insane! And really cool for sure!

Thank you craigslist: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ank/clt/5636876882.html

You could own a beer sign featuring a moving unicycle rider. Think of all the new friends you’ll make. Any volunteers for picture injection?

It’s been a while since I’ve done any uploading…


Custom Unicycle from tricycle


Here’s cool unicycle if you like old bikes. i love the fender and kickstand.

Wow, I’ll have to see if that sells. I could take a bunch of old rusting trikes, and cut the head tubes off to make a killing on EBAY.

jtroop I found out from another site that this guys has been trying to sale that “Vintage Unicycle” for about a year. I don’t think anyone is going to buy it.

$400 for a rusty piece of junk!!! Please people, come back on planet Earth…

That sucker has been rusting on ebay for ages.

Saw these brand new 26x2.6 Gazz tires on Ebay:


$231 for this…??


That is a good catch… for the junk-overpriced thread :D: Most laughable CL ads

This one is more for sales/great price somebody find and want to share with others :slight_smile:

Ah! I thought there was a thread like that but couldn’t find it!

What is this??

Can someone add some insight to this listing? It’s listed as a “Unicycle Nimbus Road Bike.” It’s a 700C wheel, so the seller has some idea of what they’re selling, but not enough to have provided many details. It’s an older hub, but it is ISIS. If one were going to the trouble of building what looks to have been a decent wheel, why the 170mm cranks? One of the pictures shows the valvle stem hole empty and a quick search for Amerityre suggests its a solid rubber tire. Is this just a combination that seemed like a good idea a decade ago??


Maybe they built it for road hill climbing, like a cheapish Fargo training wheel?