Post a picture of your unicycle(s)

“because he didn’t keep a proper distance” indeed, that is (his) problem, right there.

If you had been riding a bike he would have been just as likely to crash into you. In fact even more so given I suspect you could stop a bike a lot faster than your uni, if you just slammed on the brakes with full force.

It is actually my problem, because by law if there is pavement, I need to ride there. There where it happened there was pavement and if the guy would have been injured, it was gonna be my fault.

I think I’m a little confused. Are unicycles treated differently than bicycles? Are unicycles required to stay on pavement, if pavement is available, yet bicycles do not have to stay on pavement? It would seem that if the bicycle rider were to follow you too closely, then he would be at fault if he ran into you from behind, regardless of the surface the two of you were riding. But, the laws where I live may be different. I am curious to learn about the difference in your laws concerning bicycles and unicycles.

In DK there is no official law regarding unicycles, which means we are in a gray area of weather or not to be treated as pedestrians or “bikers”.

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The brake is adjusted so that there’s clearance on both sides of the rotor, but there’s enough movement while cornering that it touches.

That definitely doesn’t sound right, mine doesn’t do this, at least not that I’ve noticed.

Ok, I understand that laws are different and hence it might be your problem from a legal standing. Nonetheless, legal blame aside it does sound like he was riding too close. You would think that with an unknown quantity (I presume like most people he is not used to unicycles) he would have taken an even more cautious approach and been further away. I guess not.

When I am out and about people tend to keep a good distance. I presume they find me as unpredictable as a child or a dog and do not want to risk getting too close. Though, I try not to take this as a personal slight on my riding ability! :rofl:

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Yes in the Netherland, unicycles have been classified as toys, same as roller blades and skateboards. You’re only allowed on the pavement, and if there is none, on the bike path and if there is no bike path, on the road. So far I haven’t had any issues with the police. I mostly find roads where there isn’t pavement, so I can ride safely on the bike path without having to worry.
Dutch pedestrians don’t know the law and curse me when I do ride on the pavement with the unicycle.
Also in forests owned by the government, I am allowed to ride on paths that are forbidden for bikes.

Maybe that is an age thing. I noticed here mostly elderly people go in a wide circle around me, because they fear I will fall. Some even ride in the grass beside the cycle path to go around. Quite funny.

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Thank you for the additional information!

I can see how that causes a lot of conflict for you.

I also have this experience sometimes. Some people don’t care or move at all, while other people treat me like I’m an ambulance or something that needs to be given room to pass through. I’m getting a little bit annoyed when people who walks together moves to each side of the walkway and standing there still while waiting for me to pass.

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Here is a picture of all the unicycles I have stored in my parents garage. I have a lot to ride on when I am home in the summer.

I also have a KH 36 and an older Qu-Ax 29 in Trondheim where I am studying. I want to bring som more of them to Trondheim, but I haven’t been able to do it yet.


Here are my two 36ers

More on the new one here:


Put a pole between them and you have kind of a Hoppley bike. Why do you have 2? Do you still ride both or is one for collecting dust?

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Well the one with the M4O frame is brand new. That is only the second picture I ever taken of it and I took the picture specifically because I wanted to compare how it looked with the old one. I guess at some point I will sell it. Though @UniMyra advises me to keep a spare… but you may have seen his collection.

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There is nothing wrong with keeping spares, if only for artistic decoration :smiley:

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:rofl: :joy:

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Maybe he meant a spare tyre :smile: It’s the most expensive thing on it.

I think I would sell it.

The anodized frame looks really good. I think it’s the best looking unicycles on the market as of yet.

I was going to sell my udc 29er after getting a nimbus 29er. Instead I moved all my goodies to the nimbus annd built a uni geezer style hill climbing machine out of my udc trainer Complete with a narower tire and 150 cranks. I have to admit I’m very attached to my Udc 29 trainer and may never part with it.

While adding Maguras to my G26, I finally got around to adding one to my Surly Large Marge 32h 24” Triton - in the triple frame so it is set up “as nature intended:heart_eyes_cat:

Such a beast and beautiful do-anything wheel/MUni and the brake does finish the set up off - not as slick as a disc but for my use-case, all I ever need.

I had a lot of “fun” changing the cross over hose for a red one and bleeding this one :laughing: