Politcal Personalities

Everyone knows how actively I try to push the 9/11 truth and NAU and one world government info on everyone. Well instead of that. Let’s take a side note and look at “Truthers” and “Liars (um, non truthers maybe)” side of things.

I want you to look at these movies for their comments only. You don’t have to watch the videos if you don’t want. I want you to look at the comments on the videos and notice what the “liars” do, and what the “truthers” do…

Example - “Liars” throw out a lot of insults about the people that believe what I believe. The “truthers”, though they throw out insults every once and awhile, just try to raise questions and give evidence.

So why is it that republicans “liars” only insult, and the “truthers” try to be civil about it and give evidence and raise questions? If the “lairs” are mad at us, why not raise opposing questions, or give opposing evidence, that we don’t controdict right away? How about answering our raised questions first, then throw a question our way, like a good civil debate. Hmm. Or are the “truthers” so thick headed we won’t believe any other way? Wait a second though… On the day of 9/11 a bet 100% of people believed that it was terrorism. The “truthers” have switched their minds already with overpowering evidence. Why would we go back? Come on… So now… Are the “lairs” so thick headed they won’t switch like some of us? We all started with the same belief. Remember that.





  • This one is good to watch to show how many insults are shown. Lots of swearing in this one.


I welcome you to find videos where the video is from the “lair’s” prospective, and show “truthers” insulting and swearing. Please. good luck

-SHAUN JOHANNESON (It’s in caps cause i’m proud of my belief.)

Why must people only be on one side or the other of an issue. Not everything is black and white, and not everyone can be polarized either “true” or “false”.

What’s more confusing is your definition of “truth” and “lies”… these truths are only true to you, in your concept of reality. You might not put the same people in your “truth box” as others would, and ditto for “liars”. How are we to tell who is who?

What are you really trying to accomplish, here? Is this a poll to see who amongst us fits in one of your two boxes? Are you fishing for conspiracy theorists?

It sure doesn’t seem like you’re open to debate the topics you’ve mentioned; it seems like you’ve already made up your mind. You make no mention of people that don’t stand on either side of the issue… you must admit these people exist. IMHO, these are the only people who are actually thinking about the issue.

Remember, a mind is like a parachute. It only functions when open.

Hes basicly stating; If you have a different thought on something that hasnt been show on the news or been told to you by the government, the people that do beleive everything they here on tv react in a hostile way. I had the same exact thing happen to me on this very forum many times.

I have also been told i was a younger version of you. Haha…

Um… Kind of here yes you do. It can’t be an open thing. Did our govn’t do it to us or not? Keep in mind if they played any roll, doesn’t matter the size, they are guilty! Period.

I said nothign of truth and lies my friend. You must not have been watching anythign on the news about this. They call us “truthers” on the news. The people backing the official story call the conspiracy believers “truthers” so I call them the opposite, “liars”. Get it?

I’m trying to accomplish one of two things. One is I get enough people believe it and we can take action. Or I put my word out enough so when i’m right I have a large group of people I can say… well… “told you.” It will be a sweet last good feeling before i’m taken either to war, or a concentration camp of sort.

My mind is of course made up. I want to hear a legit question from the opposing. That’s what I want with this. If someone can actually give me a question I can’t answer then we’ve opened up a debate. Until then the opposing side is just a little kid covering his ears and singing over his parents.

Then open yours.

Besides, people want proof before believe the conspiracy. I want proof before believe it was terrorism. But we acted on the terrorism side (War) before proof. So i’m acting on the conspiracy side with heavy evidency.

Do they teach “stupid” in school these days? Cause, wow, some of you kids are REALLY GOOD at it!

Isn’t that the purpose of government run schools? To dumb down the population and domesticate them into being good little slaves.

My (very conservative) dad was explaining to me yesterday that government run schools are teaching liberalism to kids starting at first grade.

I didn’t realize I was politically educated at such an age, nor did I realize that liberalism involved eating paste and playing tether ball.

Haha, I’m pretty sure Jeremy is joking.

The “Truth” movement uses the same tactics as Creation Science. Only show “evidence” that works with your conclusion, ignore all information to the contrary.

You can’t have a good civil debate with someone that thinks they are right, no questions asked.

They didn’t teach you to share in kindergarten? Sharing is the basic tenant of socialism.

Involuntary sharing is the basic tenant of socialism. Teaching one to share could also be dealing with property rights, in that if you don’t own the property, then you have to follow the rules of owner of that property, which could mean sharing it. Of course, the real result about teaching one to share is that of creating mutually beneficial relationships.

What do you believe? If I remember correctly it’s some or all of the so-called conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks, but if you’d like to be more specific we would have more to talk about.

The U.S. government made many mistakes leading up to Pearl Harbor, much of which can be summed up into “they were really poorly prepared”. Radar picked up the incoming aircraft, but someone along the chain of command blew it off as an expected incoming group of U.S. bombers. Many other things that were clearly stupid or bad planning if you were expecting a Japanese attack. And there was reason to expect a Japanese attack. This means what to you?

What happens to aluminum in a fire?

Or a loud-mouthed non-kid with lots to say but no comprehension skills; it’s all a matter of opinion. Especially coming off a very long political campaign season when it was once again made clear that the truth is all a matter of opinion. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t involuntary sharing imply that one’s greedy?

Also, what’s the rent in socialism these days? :wink:

No, it simply implies that some other entity, who is claiming authority, knows better on what to do with your property. Just because someone wants to use their justly obtained property in a different manor does not make one greedy.

Your most fundamental property is your body, if someone else has authority over your property, then you are are a slave. If someone else has first claim to the product from the use of such property, then you are a slave. Does wanting someone else not to have authority over you make you greedy?

I’m not catching what you are trying to ask.

What happens to aluminum in a fire?

I really hope you aren’t relying just on this fact alone. But this will be answered with a yawn.

It’s melts. However what’s the content of aluminium in steel? Will it just melt the alumium out of the steel? What? Are you talking about the planes John? Melting? Who cares about the planes, that’s useless evidence I can easily go with out. I have a beautiful placed physics equation that proves WTC 1 and 2 had to come down with bombs. (I’m ignoring WTC7 for your sake) But who really pays attention to physics. yawn yawn yawn.

Physics are against the “official story”. Shouldn’t that be all that’s needed? How about the people talking about bombs going off in the basement as they are running out. I’m pretty sure that’s as close to real information as anyone can get. Not what the govn’t is telling us happened, much after the fact. People, people, people, I truely believe all of you know the truth. But convince yourself otherwise cause it makes you feel safer. It’s more than just sad. (my insult)

p.s. John just because you have age doesn’t mean your smart. And no just because I know physics, doesn’t mean i’m smart. It just means I can disprove an easy story. To be honest the people that side with me shouldn’t even be proud. Not because it goes against america, but because it’s seriously a no brainer. It’s like answering the intro math question in class to a much more complicated question.

Who’s oliver north again? Conspiracy? Um… We just gonna look the other way on this one?


-Is this guy dumb too?

Just like the octopus in the kitchen. :stuck_out_tongue:

One of the most convincing things I heard was a little bit after the plane hit the tower (Not sure if it was the first or 2nd tower) a guy was
running out from the lower floors of the tower, then heard another explosion that knocked him up and into the air.

Then all the other people who were there also reporting hearing multiple explosions, not even close to where the plane hit.

I wonder if there will be a day where the complete truth will come out. I think that day would be amazing. When someone from the inside
comes out and lets us know the truth of all the bigger events and mysterious that are concealed by our government. Im sure that
person would be killed off very quickly, but im sure he would feel it
to be worthy.

We’re you just saying something about “Truthers” not being insulting?

Last time I checked question someone’s intelligence because they don’t agree with you is being insulting.

The fact that people said they heard bombs is not “proof” that there were bombs. How many people have heard actual bombs and would know the difference between the sound of a bomb and other sources of loud bangs. Physics do not conflict with the “official story” if you don’t cherry pick your facts.


How many people have heard actual bombs and would know the difference between the sound of a bomb and other sources of loud bangs.quote]

I have! :stuck_out_tongue:

Totally off topic but…
Unifreak7 has the gift to make me realize how good I feel.
When I read such a thread early in the morning, I may either get irritated or start laughing incontrolably (sp?).
A good may to estimate what the coming day will be like: a pain or a joyfull day.
Today I’m more amused than confused, sign of good mood and enjoyment.:D;)

Keep on the good work Unifreak7, may you never stop posting. No matter what you write, you’re the best mood barometer I can think of.

I’d love to see it.