Pictures of your latest ride

Nice! We’ll be watching for it. :slight_smile:

what my dad recorded

Good choice of song :slight_smile:
Proper song too - about 9 minutes something if I remember correctly

This is me at the Shrewsbury Carnival. Our float (or truck) had Victorian style people on it and I was volunteered to be a strongman. I took my 20" to show off around the crowds as we waited to board the truck and get moving… I got some great comments. Some comments from ladies who were hoping I wasn’t wearing my cycling shorts underneath my strongman costume…

Very nice:p

I usually ride my local carnival but couldn’t because of Mountain Mayhem.

Nice going, now you’re a local celebrity! :slight_smile:

Is anything worn under the strongman costume?

No, ma’am, it’s all in perfect working order.

Ha ha. I never ever write the abbreviated version but I did laugh out loud. Thanks, I’ll use that in the future.

My pleasure, I play in a Bagpipe Band and that’s a bit of a staple when responding to the question ever kilt-wearer hears as often as we hear “Where’s your other wheel?”

I’ve even managed to translate it into Afrikaans, but I’m guessing that won’t mean much to anyone around here.

Center St Bridge, Ludlow, MA

I don’t mind so much anymore when my wife has the car at work, and I need it…

uni - center st bridge.jpg

Warsaw Critical Mass 06.25.2011

and a group photo (i’m in the right lane on the white forward/turn right sign) a lot of bikes and only one unicycle.

my uni is in the bed of the truck. it me and a 250,000$ audi R8

I can’t imagine paying that much money for a mode of transportation. I’d make such a boring rich person.

neither can I

But a $700 KH or a $1.5K guni. I can understand that.

If i had the money a $700 KH is good bang. a$1.5 GUni is just the hub :smiley:

LOVE that first shot. One day I will go to the US, and drive across all that states, that’s my dream anyway.

Well, being a solo and lazy rider, I’m certainly not going to win the “most crazy picture of the month” prize :slight_smile: however I feel that it is still better to contribute, than just watching the other guys’ pics - right?

This was from my yesterday’s Saturday morning ride (higher res pics available via left mouse button click):

Cheers, MadC.

Disgusting! I mean the R8!

What! Are they on sale? That’s a amazing price!