Pictures of your latest ride

Impressive turnout.

been having a break from MUni but the one wheel skills have come in handy! :slight_smile:


A little riding at the juggling club @ davidson university



Turtle, do you have any more pics of that uni? I’m curious how its put together!

Well that was mainly due to the people who turned up from JUST but yeah :slight_smile:

Twas good. Can’t wait for the dry weather though - forecast says dry this week! YES!

Lots of rough, wet and loose snow on the way home from work today = excellent workout. I rode next to nothing last winter so I am making up for it this year by riding as often as possible. The nuts need to be preconditioned to the 36er riding that is coming up as soon as soon as the snow clears :smiley:

I can help out here, I guess:

@hugo: thanks!

End of my last ride…

Lost track caused by flood :angry:

Central Coast Jugging & Unicycling group muni ride 1/16/2011

The weather was gorgeous at Johnson Ranch in San Luis Obispo, California, on Sunday 1/16/2011. Six members of the Central Coast Jugging & Unicycling group went for a muni ride. I’m in the blue shirt and solid black helmet and riding my 20" to afford a new muni rider an opportunity to ride my 26". More pics.

Blimey, MUni on a 20" - that must have been torture! :smiley:

Lots more pedaling and feeling every bump. Far from ideal, but well worth it to introduce new people to the experience and ride in a larger group.

The weather was gorgeous at Johnson Ranch in San Luis Obispo, California, on Sunday 1/16/2011. Six members of the group went for a muni ride. I’m in the blue shirt and solid black helmet and riding my 20" to afford a new muni rider an opportunity to ride my 26".


Shorts, green grass, & sweet xcountry single track…that looks really inviting. Nice work getting a group together and riding. I like it. We are in the middle of a great ski season here, so have not seen my yard in months, those pics got my MUni vibe going, thanks.

Central Coast Jugging & Unicycling group muni ride 1/16/2011

Green grass, sunshine, warm temps., clean air & a beautiful rolling trail.

Oh to live in/near San Luis Obispo – for those mid-January muni rides! (Can you tell that winter in SLC is getting me down a bit?)

Beautiful photos of what looked like a mighty fun ride.

Wish I coulda been there!


UPD in Utah

You’re welcome! Other parts of the trail are steeper but it’s great views all around. The only thing missing is a view of the ocean which we get in other trails we ride. Part of the trail was closed off because of the recent heavy rains.

Let us know if you’re ever in the area! I understand about the winters. I’m originally from New England and live here for a reason. I admire people who are motivated to get out and ride in the snow or even practice when it’s so cold and snowy outside.

We’re going back out on Sunday at noon and getting another new rider on the trail.

Dude… waaalrus! You’re in Atascadero?! So am I! I’ve been wanting to ride with people, but I’m still quite new.

Check out our local Facebook group. We’re going out for a muni ride tomorrow. I don’t ride much on the street but the Bob Jones trail is a fun ride on pavement. How are your basketball skills? We’re trying to get a local team together.

If you pay attention, I ride Down San Anselmo everyday. I’ve been looking for others to ride with. I don’t know suitable my uni is for Muni, but I’d give it a shot. I’m new, can free mount about 70% of the time, and not terribly fast, but I can ride forever.

My basketball skills are no good, and I’m assuming even worse on uni… I can’t idle, turn on a dime, or anything fancy… Just point me straight ahead and that’s where I go