Pictures of your latest ride

AWESOME! You are inspirational.

Trials session on Camps Bay beach, Cape Town. Many thanks to Damien Schumann of DSP ( for the pic!

@ woft- unless your crank flipping that drop i think the pic kind of looses its effect to riders. Nice composition on the shot though.

@ Aspen mike- I envy your mountains. You are a lucky municyclist. That is all.


@Napalm: Fair point - That was one of the botched landings.

Now that’s a fat tire! :smiley:

what 24in tire is that

Intense DH. It’ll be a sad day when I finally wear out my last one! The company ceased production of this size a while back. :frowning: I have one new one left, but on the upside, they last a long time! :smiley:

Looks like a 24x3 Duro wildlife leopard

Oh… What’s the difference?

What width is it?

i need a good muni tire soo bad

24x3.0. Tremendous difference! The duro doesn’t last nearly as long, it has weaker sidewall, and the intense has a much more aggressive and sticky tread. The duro is ok, but only as a last resort for me.

what are some of the 24 muni tires out right now

This is actually a pretty good deal.

Also, I think you can still get the arrow wide bite 24x3.

have you ridden one?

now that looks like the leopard, what’s changed on that one?

Which one? I’ve ridden the duro but not the arrow.

Same basic design, but I think the rubber [60] compound is harder than the standard duro.

Thats my latest ride :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure I’d want anything harder than the duro but I suppose I don’t ride offroad no more as I only have a 20" so I’m not used to what’s good for that.


A picture from sunday :slight_smile:

For all you guys who moan about not having anyone to ride with, here is the plan: 1. Get Married. 2. have four (or more) kids. 3. wait a few years. 4. Go riding with the older ones.

I went riding with 2 of my boys the other day on the extensive bike trails in the Holyoke Mountain Range in the Amherst, Massachusetts area (US). The last pic is of a very cool hill with tons of roots that run perpendicular to the trail. Lots of fun going down. A real skill-builder going up. Unfortunately, You don’t get a good sense of the roots in the pic

Very cool, ride with them allot, they will be out of the house before you know it. Your a great dad!