Pictures of your latest ride

Yep, well worth tracking down, although the trails you ride appear (from your visuals) to be more rock than wood. :sunglasses:

I’ve found a few remains of North Shore around that has been knocked down, hopefully this stuff will stay standing for a while, it’s located in a quiet part of the woods and is well tucked away so hopefully…

Very awesome pics!

My latest rides with the geared 29 = buffalo creek and white ranch.

Buffalo creek was amazing! Smooth singletrack and I was able to use the high gear on the 29er quite a few times. White Ranch was extremely technical and I probably won’t be going back on the 29er, I will tackle it again when I get my DH uni.

Buffalo Creek

White Ranch

Also - I biked up Mt Evans today, I will be unicycling up it soon, but I wanted to enjoy the 14 mile descent after climbing up to 14,000 ft!!!

Love that trail system! Great pics!

Love those pictures - your colors complement the scenery perfectly :slight_smile:

love the first 2 pics

Went to Cheeseboro again today, and what a beautiful day! With about 2 miles left of my 10 mile MUni ride, I suddenly found myself in a full-on race with three cross country runners! I was on my 29er and using the 125mm crank hole, and as I pulled out in front of the pack I was pedaling so fast I thought I must be spinning 3 revs per second! I knew I would have to maintain at least close to that–for the next TWO MILES–to have any chance of finishing first!

Every time I glanced behind me, they were right there and I was having a hard time putting more space between us. These last 2 miles were slightly downhill with a few ups. I was maintaining good speed on the uphills, but this is where at least one of them was beginning to catch up with me. Two of the three runners fell further and further behind, but now the one runner was right on my heels! It was now a 2 man race. One on foot, the other on one wheel!

As we approached the last 1/4 mile, I glanced over my shoulder and that fastest runner was about to overtake me as he was going for that last big surge! I started spinning as fast as I could and I must’ve been hitting 15mph, and yet he was just a couple seconds behind me!

Just as I got to the end, I dismounted and he was right there behind me. He put out his hand to shake mine and we both congratulated each other on a great race! I actually can’t believe I beat this guy! Turns out all three guys are on their College Cross country team, and when I asked the guy who almost beat me what his best mile time was, he said “4:37”!!! He’s the guy to my immediate right.

Hunter Creek MUni

Door to door MUni, unfortunately had to turn around at 10,000’, too much snow still. Still got in over 3,600’ vertical and 23 miles of dirt with a little bit of paved trail for access. Best 4 days of weather yet for the mountains. Rafting, unicycling, more rafting, and more unicycling- fantastic weekend.

1st pic - From Creeks (Hunter Crk -raging)
2nd pic - To Peaks (Pyramid a 14er’)

the old mining town of Aspen
4 corners - 4 trails to choose from, all to snowy

:slight_smile: the elk mtns

that suuuucks Ducttape : (

yeah… but at least I was doing something cool haha I broke it on a bad landing doing a 4 stair grind.

trials session at my university
for more pictures go to or


isnt it harder to ride trials with a longneck??? nice pics by the way. the one on the right is cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Why should it? I like it because I think longnecks look better and I dont hit the seat clamp with my leg.

Nice pics. Did you actually land that gap to the rock? (it looks like you were going to bounce backwards in the picture).


can somebody please tell me how you do that effect on the last photo :o

The only way I know of doing it (there may be an easier way using some clever plugin or filter that I don’t know of) is:

  • Shoot the action with a stills camera on high-speed burst mode, or take good-quality video.
  • Take the relevant sequence of frames from above.
  • Spend ages cutting and editing them together in photoshop or whatever.


EDIT: You can get a similar (and also very cool) effect using multiple flashes in the dark. Less editing, but needs more kit and setting up. I suppose it would work with a continuously flashing strobe light instead of multiple flash.

Yep, that’s how I do it. Like you said, it takes forever!