Pictures of your latest ride


Here’s a pic by Laura, Perry(capuni)'s wife, from yesterday’s race in Central Park, Schenectady, NY. Question is, did I make it over?

$5 says no.

Here’s the answer.


Why so cynical?


I’m a ‘the glass is half empty’ kinda guy.

Fortunately I can fill it up with the $5 I just won.

Just a fun semi Sober night in town


a few … more to come if i have time


Can anyone guess where I was last week? no cheating either.

Looks like Switzerland to me…

ya, but where exactly?

Last place I went to ride was the Louisville Water Front.

And best for last

^ weird face


Smoke on the water?

parco ciani?

if any “uni-tourists” come to the italian part of switzerland, pls let me know. I’d be glad to meet you…

a shame, and you didn’t tell…we could ride together…

you missed this today :stuck_out_tongue: :

  1. it’s not ps’d
  2. crankflipping my muni
  3. …tree

nice pictures !!! :astonished:
first picture looks scary :p:D