Pictures of your latest ride continued

Bit of 36er training for the Melburn Roobaix around a wintery Lake Wendouree in Ballarat on the weekend.


This is a bit of bulk posting. I had a lot of better pictures that were on my G10 but that camera got stolen in Quebec. I had that camera on a lot of trips for work, among them, both times I worked in India. The camera was getting pretty dog-eared. so really if I had the SD card it would be a lot less like getting ripped off and more like an opportunity to upgrade.

I rode the Uni-Horse first as a “green-eyed celtic unicorn stallion” at the St. Patty Day Cove to Clover 5K, then as a “Space Horse” as a part of a “Space Cowboy” costume at the Burien UFO Festival just a bit south of Seattle. I turned it into a “Red nose reindeer” and dressed as Santa to hand out candy canes at Children’s Hospital during Christmas. I wish I had better pictures of that but I was reliant on others to be able to share , but I took a few of the uni after the fun.

Then there are a few random pics from Quebec but nothing to remotely do Quebec any justice

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Last Saturday I participated in one 40km stage of four day race. It was hard as usual, this time even more exhausting as over 30 degrees Celsius suggested that it is better not to get out on the sun at all, not thinking about more than 1,5km climbing on the day (
I survived! More at the blog:


Congrats on your participation, 40km is quite a distance. Did you compete any other days? 30C…just an average summer day downunder. :slight_smile:

@prozac thanks, here in Poland 30C happens, but not too often so I’m not that used to it. And no, I did not participate the other days. We’ll see next year :slight_smile:

Confluence; Daejeon River and Yu-Dung River


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Longest 36er Ride. 17.9km

The pictures show a 9km stretch of bike path in the middle of a highway between Daejeon City and Sae-Jeong City. About 5km of the path is covered with photovoltaic solar panels.

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5km of shade, each way, lucky!

wow, what a perfect road ! China will never have such a perfect bike lane :frowning:

Dae Dong River


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Second annual Empire State Mountain Unicycle fest, a view from the fire tower(thanks Jigywigy for the picture!)


That was a blast! A humbling but motivating experience. After we got home Benjamin went to see his friends, not on his new mountain bike, but on his unicycle! See you next year!

So, who’s ready for the Horwich Festival of Racing this weekend? :smiley: I rode up today just to make sure I know how to get there. Great 12-mile one-way trip, so that should be fun to do with a 7-mile road race in the middle. There’s a newly-opened bridge (well, re-opened…) that’s been paved over and connected to one of the bike routes nearby my house, so I actually managed 99% of the 12-mile route without ever even touching a road! Crazy huh? :smiley:

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Lajkoniku laj laj poprzez cały kraj kraj

On Sunday there was a big 1.5k-cyclist parade in Krakow and 8 of us took part on one wheel and two more joined us at the picnic at the end. As there is costume competition each year I got dressed as traditional horse-man of Krakow - Lajkonik:

You can read more about the tradition here:
I got 3rd prize for my costume and it was lots of fun riding like that in the parade.
First photo is my meeting with real Lajkonik last Thursday and remaining ones are from the parade.


That’s brilliant! :smiley: Just needed an eccentric wheel for that authentic rockin’ horse motion :sunglasses:

Great photos! I love following this thread.

With over a week of delay (I know, I got lazy), here is some pics of the latest ride I had with Macavity at the Middlesex Fells reservation.

Nothing big but a fun 3h ride with some goofing around and some weird landings (@Macavity: I hope your black & blues are gone now :slight_smile: ).





This rock is the reason I bought elbow pads, lost it badly the week before :frowning: (went off the wrong side and clipped my arm/elbow…Muni or Die!) This was from the 2nd annual Empire State Muni Fest yay!

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“No Unnecessary Idling”

Been driving by this sign for years and never saw it until last week… just had to get a pic. :slight_smile:


That made my day, thanks! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: