Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Watch the video at the bottom of the page; 'tis just less than 5MB.

Get ready to cringe like you’ve never cringed before; it’s a big cliff he falls off…


OH, man!

That looks SO very painful.

In a crule way its funny. Did you hear the guy behind the camera? Goes something like: ‘Mann, thats a f**king huge drop. Watch out, thats a huge…’ Miles falls

Much safer on one wheel! :thinking: :angry: Or not! :stuck_out_tongue:


I like the concern for his friend at the end. Nothing says are you okay like “did you film that”. Although I’m sure that If that was me that fell down the hill I’d be more concerned that he taped it.

i think you forgot 4 ‘ow’s’ in your subject line!

boy did he ever reach the bottom quickly!

I am amazed he didn’t get tangled in his bike and just roll down bike and all. Man it reminds me of a cliff that we rode along on CMW…



That’s one way to get down from a hill :roll_eyes: Sounds like the dude was alright, but damn that was a huge fall.

he should wear some more protection…

Lucky for us we weren’t on those two-wheeled tangle-uppers. Most of us, at least. It’s so much easier to go over the edge on a bike, just like in that video. That’s one of the scary things about riding bikes on edges like that. Give me a unicycle for that stuff any day.

Glad that guy survived! I bet the guy filming thought it was going to be the last video of his friend alive! He was very lucky. If he had been on a unicycle, he most likely would have just hopped off (and then probably backed up and tried again).

Maybe I watched the wrong one, it looked like he just rolled the whole way.

yeah, it probably didn’t hurt if he was just rolling

I am so mad that his two friends just stood there.
Knowing that he fell accidently.


He was lucky that he started a forward roll from the ‘get go’, and that the cliff dropoff was short in height.
(rather than where he was standing just before)

You also read the page… it tells of his injuries, and that he had to ride 10 miles to get car

what were they supposed to do? i thought it was too steep for them to climb down to help him?


Oh. He hit a rock.

I missed that the first time (small video).


I think since we know he’s okay it’s okay to say this…

Anyone tried playing it at twice the speed with the chipmonk voices of the two friends? :slight_smile:


Wow, that sucked. I kept watching it and going “Oh no, don’t fall!” Then down he’d go.

I gotta agree with John. Although I must say that if he were on a unicycle he would’ve just made it on the first try. That didn’t look very hard by unicycle. The thing about unicycles though is that you can bottom out your pedal and be thrown off the trail. That almost happenend to me on the Amassa Back trial in Moab. I was at a spot where it was just steep grade, and not cliff, but it was still pretty scary. I don’t ever remember being able to dig my fingers into gravel so deep so fast, except for that one occasion.

I’m I the only one here that sees this as an accident …?

Looks to me he stopped to take a closer look, went to put his left foot down, and had no ground to plant his foot, which sent him on his roll down the rocks…

And for his friends just standing there …

They could have run down the path to where he went down …

… and then see how to reach him …

The page says they did, but because of the loose surface they just ended up dislodging more stones. A mini landslide probably doesn’t help the chap trying to climb back up.
