Others have said it before here, but if you make it a habit of reading alternative sources of news such as The Nation, The Progressive, etc and listening to alternative broadcast media such as the Pacifica Network you would hear things such as the above about Iraqi oil, routinely. You will also hear a great deal of anti-American sentiment that will upset you as it sometimes does me; but you will be presented with facts that the New York Times, USA Today and CNN don’t. Even accessing mainstream non-US news sources will give you a broader view.
Do you know what nation is the most flagrant violator of UN resolutions? It’s Israel.
Did you know that on July 25, 1990, 4 days before Iraq invaded Kuwait that US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, told Hussein that the U.S. had no interest in Arab-Arab conflicts including Iraqs’ border dispute with Kuwait.
Of course you know what nation provided Iraq with arms in its war with Iran. It was the United States. And that the US supported Hussein’s party in its violent ascendency in Iraq since 1963.
One may argue that our past behavior does not mitigate the fact that Hussein represents a serious threat to the world now. I will not dispute that, although the U.S. case for war now is, in my opinion, weak.
What is clear is that the U.S has a history of supporting brutal dictators who serve its interests. Often undermining and overthrowing democratically and popularly elected leaders. We did it in the Congo, Indonesia, Chile, Guatemala, and Iraq. Dammit even Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter, a democrat, backed the El Salvadorian tyrant Roberto D’Aubisson (sic?) who everyone knew was backing the vicious death squads. We funded Osama bin Laden as a fighter against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. And too often it turns out that these creeps who we supported turn against us.
So, while we sit on the brink of war, the question for the future is, I suppose, when does it all end.? How long can the United States have 6% of the worlds population while using 25% of its resouces and continue to support tyranny and oppression abroad to maintain this?
I believe that the United States represents many fine ideals. I also believe we are a far cry from living up to them.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ