Hey everyone, I need y’alls help. I’m hoping to uni in a anti-war demonstration, and I need a good protest sign. Any ideas? Hopefully, something that ties in unicycling in some way.
-One Wheel Against War!
-Make Trials, Not War
-The American Military Budget could sure buy a lot of food! (or uni’s!)
-I’m not buring oil, am I a terrorist?
and so on.
P.s. What do you guys and gals think of dat crazy Bush?
A month or two ago, I participated in the largest Anti-War protest in Richmond’s history. I unicycled the whole thing backwards with a sign that read, “Our Foreign Policy is Backwards Too!” Whenever I fell off I’d say, “And look what happens!”
Good luck! Protests are a great way to get heard, but I think it’s important to remember not to let your cry for peace turn into hatred aimed at Bush or anyone else that thinks war is permissible. After all, isn’t “hatred in the name of peace” what we’re protesting against in the first place?
I’m not saying anyone here thinks this way, it’s just an observation I made after my first protest experience. Some parties involved (mainly anarchists, though I’m not singling them out, after all, Gandhi was an anarchist) seemed to lose sight of the bigger picture as to why we were there. They justified destructive means and hateful words as tools for attaining peace. I was kinda appalled by the irony of how they were no different from Bush himself. If your gonna promote peace and love, it should be for EVERYONE, even those you disagree with.
Anyhow, sorry for that rant. I’ve been trying to keep my personal beliefs out of these forums, but since this one was geared to the subject, I figured it’d be ok.
YES!!! That’d go great, I love that avatar. I only found out about the last rally after it had passed and we had 100000people in our city. I’ve been waiting for another one but it hasn’t come yet.
‘Even though George Bush, leader of the Free World who is not only taking the safety of his population, but that of the entire globe (minus the sub-human scum that have about a week left) into consideration, I think it’s ‘cool’ to go to anti war protests led by morons who want to be heard, even though their only thoughts are…War? Well, that MUST be bad, isn’t it?’
Your use of derogatory language and mockery are kinda what I was talking about earlier, only it was people on the other side of the argument that I heard using it. I don’t know, maybe I’m just a crazy pacifist, or too P.C., but I think that kind of attitude is an effective way to discredit your cause. Getting heard is one thing; it’s easy to do. But presenting what you have to say in a way that will encourage others to believe what you say has some merit that’s worth giving serious consideration to is another thing; a little more difficult, takes a little more thought. You’ll never get anywhere by pissing people off.
Now that I’m commited to this, here’s something I found that you all might find interesting. As a Christian Pacifist, it’s got it’s own meaning for me, it might mean something different to you guys…take it for what it’s worth, or ignore it, it’s for you.
P.S. Foolish, that avatar rocks. Would you mind if I made myself a T-shirt with a similar logo?
Hey Sofa, I’m pretty much with you. War is a terrible thing, and should not be celebrated, but it is indeed neccesarry at times. I will not mention any names, but a few here who have been reading and responding to this post might want to think about where we would have been if we had not fought for our country and freedom against Britain, and against the world powers in WW-I and WW-II. I consider myself a proud, God-loving American, and I would proudly fight to save my country, and others, against tyranny. So all you Bush-bashing people know, I support this war as an American citizen, and as a brother to many overseas, on the front lines. Thanks for your time, and God Bless the USA!!
Here’s the thing. Bush has together a cabinet of advisors and they all get together and pool their own resources to address this issue, they have so much more information on this issue than all of us together. If they think that going to war is what is best for this country, who are we to question dozens of the smartest people in the world, without even a fraction of the information on the issue that they have. Do any of us know Hussein, or even any members at the U.N. ? Do we know what the weapons inspectors think, off the record? I promise Bush has done better than reading Newsweek then gossiping with his friends at the diner, which is about all most of us manage. I’m sure the american public’s reluctance for war weighs into the decision.
Many smart people, some of whom have access to American military intelligence, some of whom do not, oppose this war. I believe the argument posited here runs counter to everything that is expected of free citizens of a robust democracy. The president will always have experts at his disposal who know vastly more about any specific issue than us, yet it is our responsibility to educate ourselves as best we can and to take a position. Am I, because the president has advisors who are economists, supposed to support every economic initiative of the president because I am not an expert on economic matters?
Furthermore, as this is an international forum, it would be even more foolish for citizens of other countries whose best interests our president does not necessarily have at heart, to do anything other than to question the motives of the US administration. They may ultimately support the US position, but they must first examine it closely using the best information they have at their disposal.
Then is it never okay to question government? I think it is very dangerous to view any gov’t (even one with as many checks and balances as ours) as an objective body; it’s not a computer that compiles data and automatically calculates the correct decision.
It’s members will always confront an issue with their own predetermined beliefs and feelings - which is okay, it’s the best we can do, but it’s important to see it for what it is.
Not all experts agree on everything. This was obvious when, after Pres. Bush’s state of the union address, several nobel prize winning economists came out of reclusion to denounce his new plan for the economy.
Is it a powerful army that protects our freedom (not as a country but as a people)? Well, that can’t be all that protects it, because Hitler and Stalin both had powerful armies (and the reason we’re going to war is because of Iraq and North Korea’s powerful armies/weapons). The reason I say people and not country is that Iraq and North Korea are both free as countries, but not as peoples. Sure an army can save America as a country, but it can’t protect its people from its own gov’t.
The thing that protects “peoples” freedom is their ability to petition their government. That’s the one thing that the Iraqi’s and North Korean’s don’t have, and that’s why their people aren’t free - Not because of the weapons their country has but because their people don’t have a voice.
If we’re not suppose to question what Pres. Bush and his cabinet think is best then how different are we from Iraq and North Korea?
Don’t get me wrong, I am fervently in favor of disarmament. But while Iraq and North Korea are at it, maybe we could get rid of some of our own.
That actually sounds a lot like Saddam. That’s exactly what he does. Invades homes, kills entire extended families, tortures prisoners to get more names of people to kill.
I really do not understand the aregument that we should not question the infromation and decisions that people in charge make and this is the reason we should go to war unconditionally.
Someone brought up the American Revolution as an example of american pride, but if we follow the same belief we would still be under british rule because we would never have questioned their taxation pratices.
Yes whats being done in Iraq is terrible, but if we are trying to stop people from being torchered and dying why arnt we in africa providing relief to Millions of Starving people. Or Aiding with the Aids epedemic that is going on there. This problem is far worse than what is happening in iraq. Many more people are effected by not having food or medical supplies than are suffering under Saddam. We have billions of Dollars to go to war to remove him but then we dont have the money to go feed Millions of people starving to death. Even right here in the US there are Millions of people homeless and starving that die every year of malnutrion. We have the resources in the united states alone to provide enough wheat (this is wheat alone) to feed every person who is dying of starvation. Yet we do nothing about it. But because they arnt in a taranical rule of iraq we should ignor that.
I dont get it. How can you say that Iraq and Korea they are in worse off shape because they have a leader that is a dickhead.