Hi, all! I have never stopped RIDING, but for some reason, I stopped WRITING on this forum. I even had to create a new account because I couldn’t open my old one (which was David_Stone).
It’s been great seeing friends and acquaintances who are still posting about their rides. Hey, all of you!
As for me, a brief update: At 57, I’m still riding around NYC’s Central Park almost everyday (generally about 50 miles a week, I’d guess). These days I’m on a Nimbus 36" (125s, handlebar, no brake). I still attend get-togethers of the New York Unicycle Club (which I co-founded back in 2001), tho not as often as I should! I’m so pleased that it’s still around! And I’m still teaching some of my private students to ride including two 7-year-olds! In short, not much has changed! I just wish my geared 36" hadn’t stopped working – I loved that uni!
Much love to you all!