NYUC (Unatics) tee shirts for sale

Hi, gang!

The New York Unicycle Club is finally offering tee shirts. The top part of the attachment shows the front of the shirt, and the bottom part shows the back.

The design, created by a professional artist who happens to be a fellow Unatic, is modeled after my tattoo.

If you’d like to support our club OR if you’d just like to be cool in one of our tees, please leave a note here OR e-mail me directly at unicycle at tmail dot com.

I’ll be selling them at the NAUCC 2005, but I don’t plan to mail too many unless you ask really nicely and can be a bit patient (or, if there is a large demand, I’ll send them out real soon).

The shirts go for a low low low $12 if you pick them up at the convention, and they’re available in most human sizes.


David Stone

unatics-3-blue (smaller).jpg

Ok Dave, you know I have to have one of those!. I don’t know when I’ll be at the next meeting, but somehow i’ll get you the $$. So in final, please put a medium aside for me.

BTW, really nice design.

OO, I want one. They look lovely.
I don’t you fancy shipping to North Wales? Would you have pay pal or something to pay for it.
Anyhow David, how are you. We are now planning our second unimeet since the one where we all met at Rhyl. Thanks for starting it.

My wife’s sis-in-law is going to the UK soon. If I can catch her, I’ll have her mail it from London. I’m not sure I can get a shirt to her before she leaves. Otherwise, I’ll find a way. In fact, I’d love to put together a small order for the Welsh gang, so let me know if you can drum up a little more ‘support’ and I’ll try my best to get them to you soon.

That is the coolest part of our whole trip, in some ways…the fact that it goes on without us. I loved meeting all of you and helping to plant the seeds.


Hopefully, we will be meeting up at the Ellesmere Port Circus Convention on Saturday, so I’ll see if i can get any more oders. How will we pay?



Stu says he’ll have a medium please and I’ll have a large.

On kind of a different note, I was just up in nyc, and would really have liked to have rode with some unicyclist. I’ll be up there again soon probably. Is just anyone allowed to come and attend one of your meetings? Thanks


Definitely. In fact, we’re ALWAYS trying to entice out-of-town riders to join us. We’ve so far had visits from John Foss, Irene Genelin, Andy Cotter, Tommy Thompson (of Tennessee), Brian (of Canada), Debbie (of Australia), and half of the Rhode Island club. Anyone can come by on a regular club date, and if you’re planning to come in on a non-club weekend, we can sometimes schedule an extra meeting.

Great! And you asked about payment. I’m not sure – maybe you can pay for the shirts the next time I’m in Wales!

Barring that, you could certainly send me pounds sterling – my family goes over to the UK as often as possible.

I just got back from the NAUCC in Ohio, so I haven’t talked with anyone going over to the UK, but I’ll save shirts for you two. Thanks for the order!


You’re welcome.
(And if you haven’t noticed various other posts, our third unimeet is in Llandudno on Saturday)


Sorry we couldn’t make the Llandudno meet – how was it?

I’ll get those shirts out to you somehow. We were too late to catch my sis-in-law before she flew to the UK, but we can try some other way.

Regards to all!

Hello Dave, Are you mailing shirts? They sure are nice Ts. I’d like to order 2 large.