Not quite your average unicycle movie...

Recently I made a new unicycle-based film. It is now online for your consumption. In my usual style, being not a spectacularly skilled rider, I rely on other methods to make an interesting film.

The result this time, is Wildlife on One. A wild new experience of unicycling in moving-picture format.

Watch Wildlife on One now.

It is 9 mins long, plus credits, and downloads for but the trifle of 41MB.

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Amazing montage and editing! Great shots… man that was a pretty movie to watch!

Just out of curiostiy… did you guys film that whole movie in one day or just made sure you were wearing the same clothing?

Man that was a sweet movie!

Well done to everyone involved. I particularly liked the credits. Humorous credits are fantastic and should be used more.

Nice one!


That is worthy.

I really liked it, 'twas quite enjoyable. I was only a little confused for the first few seconds.

Looks like you have some really great trails to ride, that’s cool.

This video makes no sense at all… now I’m just confused.:smiley:

the filming was great and the skill, but there was way too much about flowers. stick the camera on the unicycle next time. sorry if it sounds harsh

Re: Not quite your average unicycle movie…

“redwelly” <> wrote in
> Recently I made a new unicycle-based film. It is now online for your
> consumption. In my usual style, being not a spectacularly skilled
> rider, I rely on other methods to make an interesting film.
> The result this time, is Wildlife on One. A wild new experience of
> unicycling in moving-picture format.

I have only one thing to say: EXCELLENT !

and : Is there a hi-res version?


That was absolutely brilliant! Undoubtedly the most original unicycling movie I’ve ever seen, and most amusing all the way through. Good one!

I think I’ve only ever seen Sam in one t-shirt. Ergo he either only has the one, or has a wardrobe full of identical t-shirts… :slight_smile:


Jest wanted to let you know your viedo gave me a nice brake to my Drug and achohole test that i must take online befor i can get my learns permet. Thanks

yeah, I’m with the catman…

Thanks Phil, and everyone else, for the feedback. I’m glad people appreciate it. I was wondering if it may have been just a touch too strange for public acceptance. It crossed my mind earlier that I had once thought of doing my next unicycle movie as a Monty Python style one, but then I didn’t do anything about it for ages. It never crossed my mind when we were making this one either, but watching it back, it seems to betray some subconcious influence.

Murde Mental:
We shot it all over one day, with just a couple of pick-ups the next day, and we put on the same shirts for that.
It was then two more days for editing. As we were using the film equipment there (at Lee Abbey centre in Devon), it had to be done by the time I left, so it got finished remarkably quickly!

I feel Phil’s memory may have been slightly exaggerated. I do have only one unicycling t-shirt (a red one), which I think I’ve worn to a couple of unicycling gatherings. I don’t recall having it at BWM recently, so you must have seen me in a couple of other t-shirts Phil. :slight_smile:

Yes, there’s a hi-res version. It’s sitting here on my hard drive, all 500MB of it. That ain’t getting onto the internet within my lifetime I fear. To be honest, it’s little better for watching - it’s only a bit sharper.

I like flowers and the like, and it’s my film. Sorry if that sounds harsh. :slight_smile: (Also, it’s kind of the point. Otherwise it would just be a film of one unicycle trick after another. Now, where have I seen one of those before…? )

Thanks everyone. The only reason that I’m unicycling, and making movie stuff like this is because of this little pocket of the internet. I’d like to thank… wakes up with a start and discovers that he’s not actually winning the Oscar For Best Film Featuring Unicycling.

Sam :slight_smile:

Cool! Good music choise and mixing. And silly humour that makes no sense! Great.

LOL, yeah, right! We are the very definition of strange*. And we are not the public, thank God.

Someday I will make a unicycling video. And it will be unusual in some regard. It will be a reflection of me. It will not follow the standard formula. I applaud you (and Tyler and KlownLife, etc.) for breaking new ground regarding making unicycling videos. Keep expanding the art in new directions!

    • from Merriam-Webster Unabridged online –
      exciting attention, curiosity, surprise, wonder, or awe because of novelty, eccentricity, or exceptional greatness, power, or attributes : out of the ordinary : strikingly uncommon or unnatural

Edit: add Kris Holm to the list of people making ground-breaking videos (ITTD)


Thanks for sharing. I can’t say enough good about this. Witty and in excellent taste.

I hope you find the time to make more videos.

You should consider entering it in a short film festival. I’d say the beginning is absolutely priceless. I just about fell out of my seat the first showing.


i thought the movie was one of the better ones that i’ve seen. It mixed comedy, some sweet trials, and a variety of different songs.

Totally, completely, and in all other ways fantastic.

You certainly should enter it in a short-films competition.

That was wicked. It’s cool to hear Gymnopodie in a uni movie.

I liked the sped up chase scene around the roundabout very muchly.

Re: Not quite your average unicycle movie…

Brilliant! Very unconventional.

The only conventional thing (unicycle-video-wise speaking) seems to be
the collection of bloopers at the end. And that’s a good thing.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“As with all great social movements, the origins of mountain unicycling are unclear. - Hannah Nordhaus (Los Angeles Times)”