no dashes or spaces hall of shame

What is the ‘no dashes or spaces hall of shame’?
It’s a list of company that has no budget for programmers that can simply replace dashes or spaces from a webform input string…
From the DRV it’s not that amzing, but even Visa makes customer-unfriendly forms!
Have a look at the list!

I think maybe because some computer programs are designed to read letters and/or numbers excluding the extras like question marks, commas, dashes etc. :smiley:

Maybe thats it. :smiley:

We must all vet our candidates for their position on this issue. If there is one single issue in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, support for legislation requiring the recognition of spaces and dashes for online credit card purchases will be my benchmark for choosing a candidate.

Bumper stickers reading: $ccnum =~ s/[-\s]//g; should be on every car in America!!!

I don’t have a problem with it for entering credit card numbers. I find it much easier to just punch the numbers, though this makes it harder to “proof” your work before you submit. If the intent is to educate users that they don’t have to include the spaces or hyphens, that’s fine. If the form can’t read the numbers if spaces or dashes were used, yes, it’s nothing but sloppy programming.

What about hyphens in names? Lots of people have hyphenated names. Like married people. Like my wife. But no, many business databases can’t handle a hyphen (or space) in a name. So, when we have a hard time looking her up, it comes down to a hit-and-miss method of searching:
Dillard Foss

What a pain.

The other day, I spent about ten minutes trying to submit an online form that, I finally figured out, didn’t allow the use of hyphens. I can’t remember the details, but the problem was, one of the terms a user was most likely to type in there was the company’s own, hyphenated product or offer name. No wonder it took me, someone who’s familiar with such things, so long to figure it out. It finally got sent, with some carefully worded suggestions for their webmaster…