Nimbus Oregon Review!

Haha, funny you should ask.

Saturday, 1/7/11, was a perfect day for a GUni ride! Arrived at 8am under crisp, clear blue skies, and 36 degrees…Burrr! Luckily, by 9am it had jumped up to a very comfortable 63. This was just a picture perfect, pristine morning and I decided to do the whole 15 miles out & back. No video, but I snapped a few cool stills. :smiley:

Just got a new kh seatpost for the Oregon, to replace the original one that came welded crooked, and thought I would also add the t-handle like on my G26er. Looks cool eh?


Is the technical downhill done in high gear??

Terry is a good rider, but not that good :roll_eyes:

Watching Napalm’s video where he’s riding an XC trail “downhill”’ that’s about the hardest and steepest riding I can manage on my 26guni and even then it’d be tough to stay on over some of the bumpier sections.

Hey Terry, you should check out my grab handles, I’m making a run and will sell them for my cost, super strong and much lighter than the KH touring bar.

Depends on how technical and steep. I have ridden my GUni on a fair number of what would be considered advanced level trails, and there have been a few instances where I rode down some sections in high gear that were pretty rocky, rooty or rutty, but it’s definitely more challenging than in 1:1.

Can you post pics of it, and how much you’d be asking for them?

Here ya go Terry:

Thanks for the link. :slight_smile:

that would look good on your G26

yeah it would, but I still like the setup I have, which is the same one Kris uses. If I wanted just a single handle instead of the two bar ends, I could either just take one off, or put a single straight or curved tube into the sleeve, and put a grip on it.

This is my G26er as it is now:

one of bens handles.

Yeah they’re nice, but I still like my current setup.


Yeah I just posted that link. That’s why I was confused.

I also like having the lift handle stay intact, for a couple reasons. I still use it for the more intense, steep climbing, and for certain drops, gaps and maneuvers where I want the most direct control. Plus, if my t handle broke, I would still have the lift handle to use. And like my 36er on the road, I also really like having both bar ends on my MUni to hold for the less technical portions of a trail.

sorry scott.

No worries, you just confused me there.

mega n00b question - is it as good to learn on this as any other?
I stumbled on the Nimbus Oregon because the tyres are like the 4" on my fat sand bike. I have a fat fetish (pic of it next to my 20x3" DX32 commuter e-bike), so if I could begin on this, it would be like having a Lamborghini Diablo Countach poster and then hopping in one to learn with… or a poster of Cindy Crawford and her being your first girlfriend… but with unicycles. I’m sure the Large Marge wouldn’t make her bum look big when unicycling.

No, the Oregon is a harder unicycle to ride than a “normal” uni.

Start with an inexpensive learner (24-26"), if you don’t like it then you’re only out $50-75, but if you do like it then spend the extra to get a good uni.

oregon vs 26/29 kh

hey there, i’ve been riding since '78, mostly just my old 24" schwinn that i got in 78.
anyway, i’ve been taking it on trails, but the tyre is too smoth for the terrain. you can’t get a off road that fits, so i’m looking to change.
i really like riding on a 29, but i’m pretty much into the oregon, with the fat surly.
i don’t want to get both, well, not at this moment.
i love the complete insanity of the oregon & the fact that it’s so different, but, can it be ridden as often & as easily as a kh 26 or 29"?
there, that is my question to you, sorry it took soooo long to get there.
i’d appreciate anyone elses input who reads this as well, nurse ben?
i’m 48, 5’10" slight build, (sorry, this info isn’t for dating) i’m in UK where these are much more money.