New Video: Uni Geezer: "MUni & Trial, Coker Style!"

Hey, Terry…be sure to remember that excessive crank switching on a square taper hub may not be great for it or the cranks.

Yeah, that’s why I’m thinking of buying another 36er just for Muni, hops and tricks. But so far, the switching seems not to be causing any problems. I think that having alum cranks will cause less (if any) axle wear than steel. The cranks are cheap so I can always replace those if need be. Besides, the fun I’m having outweighs any concern about it, at least right now haha! :slight_smile:

Are you serious?? :astonished:

That makes like two of every unicycle you own :stuck_out_tongue: !!

Haha, no I sold my KH trials, but now I just have a torker lx for trying to learn non-hopping tricks, and then 2 munis and the 36er. I plan on prolly selling my '05 KH muni (the orange one) but then it’s good to have as a backup.:slight_smile:

I guess in a way they’re my “kids”…but a whole lot cheaper than raising real ones lol! When some guys hit middle age they buy a corvette, so my choice is a fraction of the cost but waay more fun IMO!:stuck_out_tongue:

But I do like my classic mustang…here’s me next to it…(The bad lighting makes me look a little older!:wink: )


Hey terry, you beat me to the kick up mount on the 36’er, and since I have the T7 handle on mine I haven’t bothered with seat bounces I did try a couple of seat drops though, I just finished my ride around the San Juan Islands up in Washington, it was great fun, how do you manage to hope up so high and so far to the side on your 36’er i can hardly manage a curb hop on a good day let alone such a huge side hop with all the weight! I’m going to have to start practicing now.

Oh that’s right it would be hard with the t7! For hopping I just let a ton of air out like to 18 lbs. Then I lowered the seat all the way. Still really hard to control though.

lol you make me laugh terry!!!

I have the seat lowered all the way just to ride the dang thing witha rail type seat post on there and a T7 handle it makes it hard for a person with the absolute minimum inseam to do cool stuff. I’m still gonna try though.

The scary thing for me is when I fell a couple times while doing some mounts, I fell over the tire! I can’t straddle it like my 20" or even 24", so there’s risk of nutting yourslef but good! :astonished: The tire’s a good 38" tall with the tire, but my inseam’s only about 32-33"!

mine is an even 29" inseam and doing a lot of over the front upd’s or screwing up a mount and going over the front is kinda scary, then again I should be used to nutting myself by now. I tried a jump mount once and ended up jumping over the unicycle and landing nuts first n the tire, it hurts when your tire is pumped up high for road riding.

:astonished: Yeah it helps to have low pressure for sure! Well, tomorrow I’m trying my first ever coker stair jump! The biggest test is going to see if I can stop pedalling at the moment of launching with my pedals parallel! There’s so much wheel momentum/weight I don’t know if it’ll be possible. I’ll find out soon enough! :stuck_out_tongue:

or maybe you can keep the momentum going enough that you only do one rev and land with your pedals parallel, you going to make a video of it? I may try to hop/ride down a stair set at my trials practice area sometime soon maybe rolling hops will be eaiser on the bigger wheel.

Oh yeah!:smiley: I hope you’ll do the same! It’d be coolness to see more 'extreme" coker stuff!

And I’m looking forward to seeing my first Coker Taco (r) !!

jk…Glad to see you’re pushing some more limits!

Widened KH ISIS hub?

Ive done 1 foot drops on my coker, all rolling. Rolling drops feel weird, so I dont do them much, but I have a lot, and when riding with Jackie in the snow I had to do quite a few, and few sideways gaps just to stay balanced in the snow (Wheel getting stuck in hiding ruts) that were probably about 2 feet over.

Go coker!

Great Terry, Now I must get a coker. You should do a commercial for them!

I suspect that the double walled alum airfoil should hold up fine for rolling hops of moderate height; the one I did in the video over the rock was about 2 feet. I may end up bending the cranks, but we’ll see!:slight_smile:

I remember seeing a video (I think on youtube) of a guy cokering offroad, and when he went over a smallish drop, you could very clearly see that the rim “tacoed”, or at least visibly buckled, but then kindof “snapped” back into shape! I’m betting it was a steel rim! If anybody has a link to that, please post it! :slight_smile:

Terry, are you able to set up your 36er with a splined hub? or do spacing issues i.e. splined axle lengths not work out with 36" wheel set ups? At least with a splined unit you would only have to be concerned about the wheel and not the cranks and hubs.

here is a link


Haha thanks! I figured it was a steel rim, but I couldn’t remember. I’m glad I have the airfoil, but it was cool to see that rim actually “snap” back after almost collapsing. That was also [seemingly] a pretty small drop!