New KH handle.

wow. the community bashes tyler/evan hardcore, so they bash eachother in an attempt to be seen as better than the other. jeez.

Evan- you apparently have some skills. Way to go on your handle, I certainly couldn’t make one. However, I really hope it’s not a finished product. I like the idea posted a ways back about making it with bent pipe so it’s kinda round. Also, I think most people don’t need that much space for their hands. I sure don’t, I get along fine with a standard KH handle. You could make a nice small oval one, and it would be a true innovation in handles. I really like the open handle style where it’s a bar you grab, so I would love to see a handle like this.

I think (hope) that most of what was posted previously in this thread was constructive criticism. Listen to it, think about it, maybe use it, and you will have a better handle when you make another.

Sorry about bashing you evan, and the last thing I would ever want is a bunch of people to hate me. I know there are always going to be a couple, but when the whole community starts turning on you it’s really disapointing. Can I just try again and not have any more bashing? I really appoligize to everyone here.

hey Evan, i like your idea
the KH is too wide for all four of my fingers, but nice and deep
what i think would be excellent is a sort of oblique semi-circle handle that starts out wider than the front of the seat, then goes all the way around
here’s a quick few sketches included
make it out of like 1/2" oval or rounded tubing w/ good connection points
and make it nice and wide (that’s why it sticks out from the sides a bit)
good luck and keep up the great work!!!
i might just have to get one from you if the design turns out like I envision it
good luck


Evan and Tyler,
There is a private message feature.


Nice job Evan. Everyone ease up on him. You gotta start somewhere. He’s 13 years old for christs sake. I can’t imagine telling a 13 year old who just shaped metal into a useful object that his project sucks. I wish I could do that when I was 13. I’d be making frames by now. Just give him time.