So I’ve been practicing and practicing and it’s been okay, but I need help from the community.
By the way, how’s everyone :p? Been busy practicing and work. I can now commute much better and idle during lights on my 36", people are still dumb founded over the size. It’s been about 8 months since I started unicycling and it’s still fun.
I’m STILL trying to learn how to do a rolling hop, but I feel like I’m missing something. Here’s a video, it’s pretty bad, I just woke up and usually I warm up about 15 minutes before and I can hop a bit higher, I’ll add another video later when I’ve warmed up. I’ll add more videos as this goes along.
I do know a bit about folding and tucking your body to get more height and pushing down on the wheel and so forth. I can sometimes do it, but just sometimes, I just usually don’t have the momentum to get my body to fold. I just watch videos of people doing much higher hops without folding their body and with a lot more ease it seems
Been practicing 2 hours a day and been at it for months in case you guys are thinking it’s because I haven’t tried it before asking. I’ve learned quite a few other tricks, but I still have lots to go with hopping.
My PSI is 27, I’m 140lb, that’s an equinox with cyko lite tires. Is there anything I’m missing? Is it my tire type? Is it the pressure of the tires? Is the seat up too high (it’s a long neck so I’d have to cut into the frame to lower it down more)? Someone give me some advice so I can try out and help me improve
Wrist Problems:
Another issue with unicycling is that for a few months now, I’ve been getting wrist problems. It ends up hurting faster when I try to do bigger hops with my 26 oracle, it is a few lbs heavier than the equinox. Not as bad with 36 oracle because I just bunny hop to idle for lights.
I read up on TFCC injuries, I’m scheduling a doctor’s appointment soon, but is anyone familiar with that and is it common with unicycling? I just end up getting it from doing tons of lifts from trying to learn to do those bigger hops.
I just recently got some added wrist support (I don’t usually have wrist guards when I do the 20", I just have shin guards) and it’s a bit better but I think I have to get a different type.
Nowadays I ride and when my wrist starts aching, I head for home. After two or three days, I take one up to three days off to not mess up my wrist. It hurts like crazy when I push down on my fist to the side when I lean on stuff.
It actually started hurting on my left hand, which I originally used to hold the seat and since have started using my right hand, but now my right hand is hurting as well and therefore limits my time on the unicycle, which really bums me out since I want to practice but my body won’t let me. It hurts especially near the ulna/ulnar bone area right at the wrist area.
I trying to ease up on how much I pull on the seat handle, but many times I sort of feel like I can’t help pulling it a bit hard when I try to do the bigger hops.