Naucc 2010

I tried searching, but nothing came up. I really want to know, but my parents want a definite date and place. Man I hope I can go.

If anybody can tell me where or when, that’d be great.

That is, if it’s even been announced.

The Unicycling Society of America wants a date and place as well. They’ll probably determine the location, if not anything else, at the convention this week. Ryan Woessner was talking up doing one in the San Francisco Bay area, but not sure if he got that idea developed enough to make a solid proposal. My worry is that the costs would be pretty high (and also that I’d be obligated to devote huge amounts of hours to helping organize it). :slight_smile:

If they only get a host figured out, the dates always fall into the general range of “July”, usually they try to get the same weekend as it is this year, but it may vary due to the availability of facilities. There won’t be a Unicon next summer either, so it might drift into August but they’ve almost always been in late July.

Colorado is the shiz man.

We have to have it here. haha

I just hope it’s not too much money.

Where do most riders sleep for Naucc. Like what hotel is most popular this year.

Also, what amount of people show?

+1 :d

Hey! It’s gotta been in Colorado. Nuff said. haha

haha whatever :stuck_out_tongue: i probably wouldn’t be able to go anyhow :frowning:

What if it’s Ontario? haha

haha well then I could maaaybe go :stuck_out_tongue: lol.

we’ll just have to wait and see

That’s what I heard today from Ryan. Tomorrow night is the USA meeting, so we will likely know after that meeting where it will be, or at least what the situation is.

It’s been in Canada before, so it’s not out of the question to be there again. Where the event happens is usually determined by who steps forward to be the host.

Naucc 2010 will be dominated by the torker 2010, and the torker 2010 alone.

I would like to go, if it’s in Canada I will go for sure(maybe not if it’s farther that Ontario). Or I can just tell my parents that my little brother is playing hockey and I’m just unicycling, it’s not fair:p

I would like it if were in the New York, Massachusetts, Michigan area. That would be ideal…

Or anywhere in Canada :wink: And unibikeling, it can be in Canada, it was in Toronto in 2001!!! Too bad I didn’t uni then :roll_eyes: And Toronto was offered to host it again for next year, but they declined :frowning:


If it would bve in Toronto again it would be awsome! I would go for sure, I would ride my coker over there if I couldn’t find a ride! Coker with a 24" torker and a KH20 on my back:p How much does it cost to enter in the competitions there?

uhm, i never said it couldnt be?

why are you bringing me into this conversation?

i never said anything about the location.

i personally think it should be in mexico. :P. were kinda leaving those guys out of the loop, eh?

I think Isaac means Jeremy_R.

Haha, yeah, a North American event in South america:p It would be funny.


NAUCC 2010 will be in the San Francisco Bay area. It was decided tonight. Sounds exciting.

Massachusetts would be awesome but its definitely not ideal and there isn’t even an official club here to host it. It just wouldn’t happen, there aren’t enough riders here and certainly no one at the current convention rooting for it.

Having one in NY would be great though.

Sam and I were discussing the possibility of a northeast event for Street/Trials/Flat riders, something separate from the existing conventions.

Oh crap. I wonder what that’s going to cost me in personal time? Well, at least I get to drive to it; those are pretty rare. Maybe I should put my Excessory Cycle back together just to mess around with it?

Now to figure out how/where/how much/when, I suppose. Good for Ryan!

Ryan Woessner made a nice presentation including possible venues, leadership, possible changes, etc. If I remember correctly, the first choice was Sonoma State college.

They plan to have locations and dates firmed up by September.