Name my unicycle!!!!Pleez!!!


29er: “Niner”

MUni: “Oooph”

Summit: “#!*%”

Looks like that david boy is at it again (banjo riff).

Hahaha :smiley:

Munica Lewinski



Hey daino149 isn’t it a bit ironic that you told no one to call their unicycle trogdor or the sneak, when you stole them from By that way I found that sight last year, what an awesome website!


I finally named my uni yesterday, after a painful pedal-slip to full weight on seat:

Unik :smiley:

haha maybe your unicycle shouldnt have a gender coz saying you ‘mount a boy’ isn’t really gonna sound too good either :stuck_out_tongue:

mind you both my unicycles do have names come to think of it… my 20" is called Pip and my 29r is called Felix

the best name to name anything you need to find a name for…Alice! at least it worked for my bong…also try charles and consuelo…both are also very awesome names

My friend’s uni is called the “Angry Swan”.
Maybe somthing along that line…
Oh wait, you wanted somthing female. Nevermind.

Yay! 1st post!

i had a bong named “the captain” once… i had “hotel california” stuck in my head when i bought it. and, if you’re wondering… yeah, i saluted it, once or twice.

Name it Nancy just trust me it’ll be hilarious.

alice=bad, cuz its my grandmas name

nancy=bad, cuz its my aunts name

PS, i already decided on petunia

Blast, and I was about to suggest “Dr. Kimball VonWarwick”

Awesome, you chose the name a suggested! glad I could help you out.