Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

John, where’s your initiative?

Original Thread

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

this will never work


Do we really need another thread…we already have the big, fat “Bush, Kerry, Other” thread :smiley:

hahaha, I like Nadar too Jagur, he’s crazy! I like them nutty candidates… like Perot

Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

I already pointed ken and the others to a thread over here. They’re the ones who need to take the initiative if they wish to carry it on.

I made zero political comments in that thread yet the angry left felt the moral obligation to take pot shots at every opportunity. I saw no inappropriate comments for anyone on the right in that thread despite the egging on.

Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

If you are saying that the thread itself despite its connection to unicycling wasn’t political to begin with and as such belongs here in JC, then I respectfully disagree.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

Its these kids that their parents drill left wing ideas into their brains.

I’m for Bush because he is for more of what I believe in, pro-life, rights to bear arms and more but I dont feel like listing them all.

I wont say all that Bush did was right or wrong. I just know that Kerry would be worse.

Great picture by the way I’m going to print it and laminate it.

Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney


You may not have made a political comment directly, but you implied approval of the graphic, which IS a political statement.

Really, if the graphic had been for Kerry instead of Bush, the exacty same scenario would have played itself out.

There are people that feel very very stongly about the current political climate. Posting the original graphic was in poor taste and was clearly an invitation for political discussion. I would feel the same way if it was pro-Kerry. I respect your opinions on this board and I don’t mean this as an attack on you, but I felt it was important to state my view on this.


Re: Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

Oh contraire, I’m sure that John would not have nor myself.

The republicant convention had thousands of protesters while the demicratic had a large zero.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

Perhaps you may not have. There were many non-republicans who demonstrated restraint on the original post as well.

Honestly though, do you really think if someone posted a Pro-Kerry message on RSU that there would be no backlash?

Re: Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney

Who’s a kid? I’m 41 and I think (by my own judgements, not those of my parents) that Bush is the worst pres ever.

On these issues we disagree, but IMO they’re valid reasons to prefer Bush.

How do you know?

One example of why I disagree with you on this:

Kerry’s an environmentalist with true knowledge and judgement of global warming and pollution issues. Compared to Bush’s pulling out of international environmental treaties and siding with industrial campaign donors on each and every environmental issue, I find Kerry vastly preferable.

You’ll have to excuse my abruptness on this issue.

Why doesn’t everyone just shut the hell up??? Everyone. In my opinion, everyone should just vote for whoever they think would make the best president. And that comes down to simple personal preference when it comes to policies and issues.

Everyone here feels it is their god given DUTY to tell everyone how to vote and to make sure eveyone else votes the same way. Why doesn’t everyone go down to their local polling place and cast their SECRET ballot for whoever.

If you want to show your support for a candidate and get some feeling of belonging, go to a convention or join a club. Don’t rant about it in a UNICYCLING forum. I don’t want to hear your opinions. At least not in this medium.

I’m going to vote. And I’m not going to tell you for whom. That is information I don’t feel the need or desire to share. Nothing you can say is going to make me change the way I will vote. I’m pretty sure it’s the same way for most of you, as you seem either strongly republican or democrat. So why tell people who don’t want to hear your side about how bad theirs is and good yours is? To start an argument that clogs an already aging forum?

I can see why some people would be offended by the image, though, as, obviously, not ALL unicyclists support Bush. But a little tolerance for such things by BOTH sides would help us all out a lot.

So, please (I doubt this will work, as things seem to have already elevated too far), just go vote privately and leave people like myself who just want to see a clean forum out of this.

I’ll give you five dollars.:slight_smile:

good stuff Obie :slight_smile:

Yes, debate and open dialog are surely the worst things possible for promoting the democratic process.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

And so is childish sarcasm.

Edit: Firstly, i do not believe that promoting the democratic process was anywhere in this forum’s mission statement.

I don’t mind if you do all the things i described negatively above in 1 or 2 threads in JC, but when it starts getting into the double digits and entering RSU (not to mention snippets spilling over into countless other threads), I begin to become bothered by it. I am surely not the only person who feels this way.

The secret ballot is designed to protect voters from being pressured to vote in opposition to their own interests, not to silence debate or dialog. Although I did not support the separation of RSU into RSU and JC, I have for the most part abided by the separation. JC is here exactly for the purpose of hashing out everything from the inane to these more serious political conversations. I apologize for the sarcasm, which was not by the way childish, but your frustration, while perhaps understandable, in no way gives you the right to suggest that these discussions be silenced. If you’re not interested in engaging in these subjects, don’t read the threads.

Edit: The nature of the forums is such that these political subjects, particularly at this moment in history and with the US election looming, is inevitable. Certainly with the separation into RSU and JC it is preferable that these conversations be here and not RSU, but many of us, on both sides of the aisle, can’t avoid an occasional slip.

I hate paying $9.00 for a movie and then having to see commercials, but that doesn’t stop me from visiting my local Multiplexes.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

You’re wrong. From these threads, I’ve changed mind and I’m now strongly pro-Bush.


But the PennState kid has a point.

I think there might be one or two bazillion websites actually designed for political discourse.

I’ll refrain from posting political posts on from now on, but maybe some of y’all could change your political sigs, too, eh?

Like I said, I have no problem with a few threads devoted entirely to political debate (even though I hear through the grapevine that such debate was agreed to be left from the forums a long time ago). However as I said I do not like it when it spreads to other places. I was in no way blaming you of this spread. I also know your personality from your posts(and one meeting) and know that you probably dislike the spread also (hence the move).

So, in short (I began to babble there), I become frustrated when political debate is in more threads than unicycling (exxageration) and in places where it has no place. Also, a growing amount of the posts have been negative (although with a few exceptions, yours have been positive). I have avoided the political debate threads but I cannot escape it all and it frustrates and annoys me.

(I began to babble there too, huh??? I need food, thats why)

Unlike some, steveyo now it seems with whom I generally agree polictically, I believe that political discussion does belong on the JC section of I prefer to engage in these discussions with those with whom I have other common interests, and it is my hope someday to ride with bugman, zod, and John Childs and attempt futiley, of course, to keep up with them. And Obie again next June.

That said, I also believe in the wisdom of the saying, given the choice of being right or kind, be kind. I don’t live it up to it, but I do believe it.

So, as things are heating up here and I have resorted to if not childish, then certainly unattractive, sarcasm, I’m going to refrain from political comment for a while.

Anyone is free to start a pool as to how long this will last. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Edit: If this is a duplicate post, please forgive. Something weird is going on with my interface.

Unlike some, steveyo now it seems with whom I generally agree polictically, I believe that political discussion does belong on the JC section of I prefer to engage in these discussions with those with whom I have other common interests, and it is my hope someday to ride with bugman, zod, and John Childs and attempt futiley, of course, to keep up with them. And Obie again next June.

That said, I also believe in the wisdom of the saying, given the choice of being right or kind, be kind. I don’t live it up to it, but I do believe it.

So, as things are heating up here and I have resorted to if not childish, then certainly unattractive, sarcasm, I’m going to refrain from political comment for a while.

Anyone is free to start a pool as to how long this will last. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ