Re: Re: Re: Re: Moved: Unicyclists for Bush / Cheney
some of the other people that posted. You’re new here so I didnt know.
Had the table been turned I would not have posted at all in the thread.
I disagree with Bush about his enviroment plan.
My friend Kev (ObieOne) made a very good point. I will never post again in a political thread. I just segrigartes us unicyclists. So political views aside, no hard feelings steveyo?
If you want a weak, AWOL, draft dodger who is going to make the world more dangerous and a breeding ground for terrorists…Then, by all means vote for George W. Bush. Just remember what this wimp did when our country was under attack: He sat like a deer in headlights and read “My Pet Goat”.
If you want someone who has the balls and is man enough to really fight and win the war on terrorism (which has nothing to do with the war in Iraq), then vote for John Kerry. Things are really that simple.
im sure as long as your here it will last forever…sorry to be harsh but you JJuggle post the most political comments of anyone on the forum…even starting,continuing and resurecting ones. its all about politics with you and always has been.
Absolutely no hard feelings, dude. I’m new here cuz I just started unicycling, and, though I do many kinds of offbeat sports and activities, I’ve been bitten hard by this one, and I can’t get enough, which includeds interacting on this website with others who are similarly crazed.
I meant how long it will last that I don’t post political comments. As for the harshness, I don’t think it was harsh, nor am I ashamed of my posting habits. I did not start politcal discussion on these boards (at least I don’t think), but yes I have taken it up and have run with it with a vengence.
I’m sorry, but I make no apologies.
Interestingly, I often start writing unicycle related posts on RSU in response to questions, and as I do, realize that there are many who will answer in more detail and with better responses. I often find responses to newbie and other types of questions to be too brief and uninformative and don’t wish to contribute to confusion rather than clarification. At least my political comments are fleshed out.
I have no problem with people like yourself who create a thread devoted to politics and stick to that thread with at least somewhat constructive posts.
But when it spreads all over the place it’s not a good thing. And people like xtremeskier (sorry to point) who just post (almost spam in this instance) negative comments about a candidate are definately not helping.
I hope I can make it next year…but are you not attending the New York Muni weekend?
Ah yes, my age… It would be nice if I could vote, although my state is going to go Kerry anyways so it doesn’t really make a difference. Why do I pay attention to politics? I guess its little things that kind of bother me like the fact that I have a high chance of being drafted into a war that has absolutely no point or purpose. A war that has taken over a thousand American lives now, including my best friend’s uncle. My close cousin also happens to be a platoon leader in Iraq right now, and I have no intentions of joining him. I would much rather chill here and practice my trials skills. As so far as me posting “almost spam”, do you consider all negitive comments toward one political part spam? I call that expressing my point of view. Perhaps you think I am making those facts up? Did you read the arcticle about his records in my first post? Are you aware of what the president did on moment he was told our country was under attack? He sat there for 7 minutes doing nothing absolutely nothing, knowing all the while that terrorists were using passenger planes as missiles to slaughter thousands of innocent Americans.
I agree with JJuggle, and I appreciate his posts on political matters. Raphael and I don’t agree on a majority of political issues, but I still think that his posts are well-thought out, reasonable, and intelligent. I’d rather read his posts which I disagree with than read posts that are totally asinine but side with my views.
So what does fit into the category of Just Conversation, if not discussion of politics? XBox vs. Playstation 2? Is that more important to discuss? I’m sure there are plenty of forums devoted to that topic as well, but we sure had a lot of fun debating that one.
JC should be unrestricted to talk about anything that we choose to discuss (with the exception of things which might cause this website to no longer be family friendly). If people are interested in a topic, they will respond. If they are not, the thread will die. The fact that there are 4 or 5 or 6 threads about politics shows that it is something that a group of us are interested in discussing. When we get bored of the topic (a la Christian Unicyclists or Two awesome new unicycle T-shirts), the topic dies. Until then, it stays active. You may get annoyed that it’s still there, but living in a democracy, we should be able to discuss anything we want until we tire of talking about it.
edit: although I believe in the freedom of speech, I still believed in stopping Logan from posting constantly. Go figure…
First of all, I am in a bad mood, so you are a moron. There is no draft currently in affect. I doubt there will be one soon.
No. But such posts in a place where their negativity is not appreciated and with such frequency is SPAM.
I don not care in this instance about the facts, just how they are being expressed by you. You are making the assumption that I am going to vote for the republican ticket simply becaue I disagree with your method of posting.
I hope you take the next few years to actually figure out politics instead of just "going with the flow’ and spouting facts that have no basis in a totally non cunstructive way. That way maybe you’ll do something good with your vote. Because you sure don’t seem to know what a responsibility voting is now.
I don’t take offense to that, although it definitely says something about your mentality. I won’t hold it against you, but I don’t think I’ll bother reading/responding to your posts any more if the best you can do is resort to name calling other members on the forum… Haven’t we grown out of that yet?
Oh im sorry. NEW RULE everyone, you are only allowed to say positive things about the canidates. No negitivity! Think happy thoughts…
Whatever. I’m not going to argue with a 15 year old who has no idea what he is talking about.
So I agree with you. Bush is the incarnation of all things evil and spamming a thread is the right thing to do. You rock xtremeskier. Everyone loves you.