motivating yourself to ride

I have the same problem sometimes…and I’m using the heat excuse again, so sue me. When I try to ride mid-day, or even sometimes in the evening, the heat and humidity just drains me and I get tired out so fast, then it’s not even fun anymore. I’d like to go out and ride at night when it gets dark, but my mom doesn’t want me outside riding after dark. :thinking:

im doing this right now, i have been riding for quite a while but my best trick is a seatin unispin (wich i havent landed in about 3 weeks). everytime i ride, i cant land anything and it makes me want to quit riding, also im still riding an lx, and i just have too much crap going on in my life right now, also its sooooo hot out right now, i think i just need to ride with people more often

sometimes i watch some videos and get super pumped but dont have my uni so by the time i do im not pumped anymore