Most laughable CL ads

Another nice seat that I’d have described as: Feel like you’re flying, with our wonderful air-mattress-styled super saddle!! You’ll hardly feel your feet hovering above our special-grip pedals! :wink:

The seller preferred: “Old Hawthorne/Montgomery Ward unicycle! Has not been ridden lately, ha ha. Needs tire. Has surface rust. Clowns welcomed! Do not text.” (highlighting added)

(There’s nothing like knowing how to tailor your ad to your target audience, isn’t there?.. ;-))


Great if you have small person in your family. This is only a model, someone has spent quite a bit of time to create it

but the price is right, seat rather hard on backside

Very puzzling…I was in the market for a road bike and found this. Is it a “unicycle” or is it a “road bike” ?

Here’s a vintage seat that “still has some good riding in it”.

Suddenly I have a tremendous fear of bail outs and riding naked…:smiley:


I nominate this one for the Eternal Optimism of the Spotless Mind award.
This was the gem that inspired this thread, and the seller has been reposting it almost every week for more than one full year. Price hasn’t changed either.

Just backup’ing the pic for posterity :smiley:


Thanks, SV!

Can’t decide which is more laughable – $150 for Torker cx24 or the high-performance crank positions or the descriptors “tight crank” and “all works great”.

If the cranks weren’t off by an even 90 degrees, I’d say stay away–broken axle. But looks like somebody assembled it that way on purpose. A good deal, but not for $150!

No picture posted for this $200 '67 Schwinn but it’s in “immaculate condition”.

The only response I would make to that ad would be “where’s the picture”. I’m not driving anywhere to find out something other than the few words of posted description.

Beyond that, I’d be curious. Is it really a '67? Supposedly the first model year. I’d like to see what pedals it came with, etc.

It seems this was an 18+ add.
Is anyone of us into pink fur bra’s …?

(In case you need a visual of the aforementioned)


^ Special set up for easy idling? :wink:

Excellent !

We know a pink lover here… not sure she rides wearing a bikini though. :smiley:

Rare Roy Cooper unicycle

Clearly this guy knows what he has and isn’t going to be fooled by low-ballers:

Been up for a few months now.

That looks like a very comfy saddle!





That one’s very interesting. Never heard of Roy Cooper (other than a thread from 2012 where someone had a similar one) but it’s a cool looking old unicycle. Not counting the seat, of course, but there really wasn’t much in terms of unicycle seats out there until the 60s, that I’m aware of.

$500? I’m a collector, but not a nut. Right now the “collectors market” for unicycles still basically doesn’t exist…

“Could use some TLC…”

Another great looking deal! A seat that you will remember for a long time!