Monster Uni: Post Your Fat Uni Here !

Has someone already made a frame for the 24x4 on-one tyre?

Surly did the Conundrum frame but it went out of production a couple of years ago. Some luck has been reported with Koxx Track Monster frames & 4.0 tires without modifications (but again out of production).

Still in production, you have the Triton frames & the Flansberrium frames (the Oregon frame can work too if you don’t mind the extra extra clearance :wink: ).

Thanks. Ja, I’m still using 150s, but not too keen on the Ventures. I might have to swap them for some Moments.

Triton looks pricey… it has some beautiful details, but i don’t like the design of the crown too much…
Titanium also means few places to extract the mineral, and one of those places is in Liguria (Italy), and it’s already at risk of getting sold to some big bad company to get violated.

Oregon is, as you said, huge clearance

It looks like i should contact Flansberrium’s boss… i actually find those frames very sexy! Even in raw flavour.

BUT… what sort of rim should i get? What’s on the market?
100mm hub?
How heavy are those 24 fat tyres?

Contact the Flansberrium boss when he’s ready to take orders! He’s already getting PMs all the time but he can’t take anything yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont know what’s available for 24" fatty parts yet. Next year there should be a few options. I know that a few bike companies will have Junior fatbikes. It should open a few options even though I think 24" is gonna be ridiculous…

I feel like we’re going back to the old days of big aggresive tires on small rims (example, 24" Sun Double Wide with a 3" Gazz) :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m interested… why do you think this? I’m still a newbie, so i can’t really imagine what can be so bad, other than weight.
Rims: i found some cheap-ish rims, in 3 different widths: 65, 80 and 100, single or double wall… specy and one one maybe will sell their ones. Surly?
Maybe with the added cushion, they don’t have to be super strong, so a drilling job on a cheap rim could be done.
Tyres: Specialized, one one and some chinese manufacturer already have some tyres… more option than with the 24x3 flavour.
Hubs: 100mm pinch should be ok.
Frames: i leave the word to you.

There are so much good options of 26" parts. You will have a very few options in 24" as they will be Junior bikes only. I’m not expecting to see adult sized 24" fatbikes seeing how 26" is unpopular these days. Having a 24x4 is probably around 26/27" overall diameter VS the 26x4 being closer to the popular MTB setups at 29/30".

I also like combining the speed and the quality of absorbtion of the 4" tire. When you go 24" though you obviously do get the same speed as a 26".

That’s what I think, who knows, I could be wrong though, I’ve never tried 24x4, but I love my 26x4 and I do see myself riding a smaller wheel size than that with such a fat tire!

Good point about the speed.
I’ve tried a oregon this summer, but it was after 2 months of riding and i was still mastering the freemount on my 24, so i couldn’t really judge… i simply had the impression that the thing was really hard to push and control.
I guess the best thing would be to wait until someone take this road… yeah, waiting…so hard.

Correction, I dont see myself riding a smaller wheel size.

I found out that with the fat tires, we have to play alot with the tire pressurer depending on the trail condition, temperature, rim size, ect. Even 1 psi can do a difference when we get to fat tires.

I used to ride my fatty at 5psi and it was awesome for soft snow, but as soon as I ended up on pavement it was a pain to ride. I pumped it to 9-10 psi a few weeks ago and it rides super fast, but doesn’t grip as well an selfsteers alot. Every ride is different.

I really wish I could take this sucker black light mini golfing. For now, rainy days will have to do. I built this up in the winter hoping for snow and then we didn’t get any! So for now, it’ll be a beach-riding, trail-gobbling, traffic-stopping monster. Haven’t thought of what to name her yet…any suggestions?

P.S. I REALLY love this tire. Super fast, turns sharply, and has great grip.

Amazing, Bri! You’ve done it again!

machine gun like.jpg

:grin: thanks! :grin:


Nice. :slight_smile: That’s perfect, because I felt like this tire turned so sharply I could easily swivel (or twist) completely around. :slight_smile: Thanks! Unless someone comes up with a better name, I like the Twister a lot. :slight_smile:

Custom Fattie!

Just got my custom frame back from the paint shop last night so I put it together for a quick spin!

That’s a real beauty! Congrats!

Could you post a few additional build details/design notes? If you have any photos of the frame fabrication in progress that would be great!

pretty amazing! absolutely love it


Jacob, I disagree, the 26 x 4 is way too tall, which is why it is hard to ride uphill and this is why it tends to have issues with autosteer.

A smaller diameter at the same width has a lot of potential for tech riding as it will be more agile than the 26", while retaining the positives of traction and cushion.

I’ve been waiting years for 24 x 4 to emerge as a viable size, now we three good tires choices and more on the way. Fat bikes are the reason the Surly Conundrum vision is finally becoming a reality.

Other than the Mission, what other 24x4 tires are accessible? I’ve been waiting for Specialized to sell their 24" fat ground control, but no luck yet.