So sad. I know many of Tyson’s woes are self inflicted, but as a parent my heart is with him today. We’ve all lost sight of our kids for a moment or two. It is such a tragedy when a young life is lost to a random accident.
That’s sad. It must be hard for the parents to lose such a precious thing as a child, especially when it is an accident of this sort. They will probably blame themselves, but I hope they will move on after mourning.
Knowing that nobody from the Tyson family is likely to ever read this thread, I’ll respond here. Based on what I read above (which I also heard on the radio), the description sounds like a factual description of the situation as it was reported to them, not a speculation. There are actually four possibilities. Self-inflicted accident, playing with sibling(s) accident, intentional suicide (do 4-year-olds actually ever do that?) or foul play, meaning murder or negligence. I think it’s only polite to assume this is an accident until or unless someone with more facts suggests there needs to be further inquiry.
As far as I know, 4 y/o Kids don’t apprehend the concept of death. I would say it CAN’T be a suicide.
All my thoughts are with the Tysons and all the unknown families wich have to deal with such a tragedy.
Loosing one of my kids is my biggest fear by far.