HEY! I’ve MET Bruce Edwards. NEITHER one of those guys is Bruce Edwards. One of them must be yoopers.
Look, we are at war. Maybe this is hard to understand from the safty of South africa, but the USA is at war, and when this happens, it is important that the people rally around their president.
Moore was not questioning the government, he was actively trying to bring it down and I am sure Bin Laden was cheering from the sidelines.
Think of it this way. If terrorists attacked a building in Johanesburg and killed 3000 South Africans, and it turned out that the terrorists who did the operation were all trained in Afganistan, I’m sure you would support an invasion of afganistan by South African forces to find the terrorists and bring them to justice. I am also sure you would support a South African invasion of Iraq if it meant securing your nation’s security in the future because any terrorists who are capeable of crashing planes into skyscrapers are also capeable of using atomic bombs, and Saddam had a lousy report card in this instance.
These special times call for special visions of a free middle east for the safty of the world. By attacking President Bush, the Democrat party and their friends like M. Moore only leave the political process and give aid to our enemies.
If it was not for the USA, all of europe would still be under nazi occupation, and most of the pacific area (including the “left coast” of california) would be occupied by imperial/fascistic Japan. The world owes it to the USA to give us a little slack, understand our predicament, after all, we were attacked for no reason at all, let us finish the war on terror.
Then you can criticize Bush all you want. But let him win the war first, not while he is fighting the terrorists, it is like attacking someone with their hand tied behind their back. Let bush defeat the terrorists first, then criticize him. Otherwise, you are only helping the terrorists.
Do you know why we are at war?
What!? Atomic bombs, where? there is NO connection whatsoever between Iraq and Alqueda. there are and never where any nuclear weapons in Iraq. (drifting slightly) I read that more innocent Iraqi civillians have been killed or tortured in this war than during Saddam’s entire reign. during the time of the Abu Graib prison torture scandal, 90% of the prisoners where wrongfully imprisoned!
but s’all good because I have gas for my car, I like to drive around just to pass the time. It’s cold outside, let’s see how much ozone depleation I can contribue to with my all american 100% grade A chunk of Hummer!
damn, I feel smart after reading your posts. We where attacked in retaliation for OUR involvement in the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. You honestly think that because of what the US has done in the past justifies what we are doing now? It’s okay, we’re killing innocent people in a country that has done us no harm to us because we helped stop the axis powers, that and we are better than all you who don’t live within us boarders.
this is not a war on terror. The united states is much less safe after what our government is doing to Iraq.
I usually don’t post in these religion/gov’t/politics type threads, but after seeing this one, I just can’t pass it up…
Nuclear weapons?.. Who cares about nuclear weapons or ANY weapons of mass destruction for that matter. Saddam HIMSELF was a weapon of mass destruction.
You said “I read…”, and that is all I needed to hear. More innocent people killed now then Saddam has killed? You honestly can’t believe that. When a man is responsible for millions… let me say it again… MILLIONS of dead civilians, he has to go…
Maybe you don’t understand the whole point of an operation that is called “Operation IRAQI Freedom”… 8.5 million Iraqi citizens who have just gone out and voted for the first time in 50 years created a voter turnout at almost 60%. Every single one of those votes was against terrorism, against the insurgents, and against Saddam and his old ways. And every voter faced car bombs, bullets, and suicide bombers. Let’s see how many people would go out in America and vote with those threats right smack in your face.
You say we were attacked because of an Isreali invasion in Lebanon?.. We were attacked because it is America, the land of the free and home of the brave. You go tell Osama that your an American, but don’t support our military or President Bush at all, and then tell me what happens. Better yet, I will just watch it online as they broadcast a man in a black hood cutting your head off.
I am here. I am right in the middle of it. Seeing the pure joy on every single citizen here, puts a whole new perspective on it. The American media doesn’t show a single bit of this. But I am here, seeing it with my own eyes. Anyone who says “Well the media says this, the media said that” has no idea what they are talking about.
Maybe if you went out and fought for these people’s freedom, and saw how much they appreciate it, you would understand what I am talking about.
Bruce, my heart goes out to you.
Wow, someone cares about me in my dilemma. What a pal. Let’s do lunch.
Sure is hard to see the screen through watery eyes.
It’s called September 11th, 2001. Three thousand Americans were brutally murdered, and for no reason, except that they were American.
Have you forgotten already?
Typical Liberal elite. Complain about the so-called environment problems, then you ride around in a Hummer. I wish I could afford a hummer–I can’t even afford a new unicycle.
Dream on–if the USA is indeed less safe, how come there has not been another terrorist attack then? I’ll tell you why–because George W Bush is keeping us safe, that’s why. Say what you want about thye Partiot act and bush’s policy of keeping the war off our shores–if Gore had been president, you can be sure that there would have been gun battles in every shopping mall across america, terrorost attacks everywhere. Bush has prevented that.
My only regret is that he only gets two terms.
We have to get a lot more done before Hillery gets in and begins to muck up the country…again.
“We’ve had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the 11th” - President Bush, Sept 17, 2003.
I believe the comment you’re responding to here was meant as sarcasm.
While it is true there have been no terrorist attacks since 9/11 on American soil, terrorism is on the rise worldwide. That may or may not be of concern to some, but it should be.
sorry about the sarcasm guys, I layed it on as thick as I could . I drive a 50$ Volkswagen rabbit and only when I have to.
It is so “American” to think that the reason we where attacked was because we are great and everyone else is jealous. Osama bin Laden told us that the reason we where attacked was because of our involvement in an invasion of Lebanon. You’d think that the media would have put an emphsis on this fact, the fact that WE struck first.
if you are interested in a real eye opener, look up
to see what our goverment has done on 9/11:
September 11th, 1973 (Chile)
September 11th, 1990 (Guatemala)
other 9/11s:
September 11th, 1977 (South Africa)
September 9th-13th, 1971 (New York)
WHAT!? which cerial box did you get that bs off the back of?
this thread started with JJugle’s striking similarity to Michael Moore, and was awesome till a flamethrower full of uneducated insults was picked up. Dont bother replying to this post, I’m done.
Typical… Say you don’t like somebody’s ethics all of a sudden your a “Hater”. Give me a break. I can’t think of anyone that I dislike enough to say they rise to the level of Hate. Harper said nothing about hate.
When you lie to make your point.
you seem like a nice man, and the fact that you ride the unicycle makes me sympathetic towards you.
I re-read all that I posted. I am trying to find anything I wrote that one could consider “uneducated insults” and I can not for the life of Pete see anything that fits into that catagory.
If you read carefully my first post, you would see that I complimented JJungle. I thought he was a better man than moore because he rode the unicycle.
It is your right to consider my views “uneducated”, and in fact as I type this, young american soldiers are dying so you can have the right to say that I am uneducated. But I did not mean to insult you. In fact, you admit to being sarcastic to me. I fell for it. But at least I was not sarcastic.
I am a conservative, and from what I can see, you are a liberal. Still, we are both Americans, and that makes you my brother, especially if you ride the unicycle. I support Bush not because I think it will help me, but because I think it will help YOU AND ME.
That is exactly what is wrong with Bush. he runs off people’s fear.
The fact is 9/11 and saddam have no linkage. It is good that the iraqis are 'free," but we shouldn’t just go around trying to be a world cop, thus sucking up our taxes and making us look like tyrants.
Im bnot a tree hugger and I don’t think Gore would have been all that better than Bush. The democrats have been pussys in Congress and might as well be called Repulicats. I am a libertarian.
There is nothing wrong with having pride as an American, but when Nationalisim get so high that we just want revenge on the “terrorists” (did you know they are everywhere?) we go an invade a currently peaceful nation and take over, we have gone too far. wait… isn’t jesus a terrorist by today’s standards? He was from the mddle east, he fought for what he belived in, and he was a herotic in thr roman’s (aka the US) eyes? Jesus was a terrorist. the end.
S.A. might not be at war but is it really that safe?Not offending any S.Africans here…
Which country has the most weapons of mass destruction?
The country in which the most number of people are killed by terrorists is…not the USA…
But the US has every right to defend itself.No problem there.But where is the link Saddam-911 link?Where are Iraq’s WMDs?
If its in the interest of the free world,what about Mugabe in Zimbabwe…Yea,I know, oil is more important than chicken farms…If I were living in Iran I’d move out…
I thought many more were killed.Oh! I forgot the rest were not Americans…so it does not not matter…but it was an attack against America…Thats fine, just don’t forget the rest…
A happy ending…
but if I am not American… I don’t want to get into the “world was made without boundaries” coz honestly, who lives that way?
So basically,my post is totally pointless…I hate it when that happens when I type so much…
then honour the Geneva Convention
why? are u suggesting that i’m stupid?
yeah, ask the germans who rallied around their war-time leader
it worked a charm for them, didn’t it?
no, a war is when two armies are fighting
as were the Nazi’s
does that justify the holocaust?
u started the uber-pragmatic moral tap-dancing
don’t mind if i continue to shoot at your feet for a while
what kind of riding do u do?
Mr. Bugman, that was my bad.
To rephrase, I should have said: “Mr. Harper, I never pegged you for someone who thinks Moore has no integrity.”, which is what he said.
In Mr. Harper’s defence, he said he wasn’t a Moore-hater, as he’d never met the guy.
oooh what fun. All was quiet on the political front round here until recently. Now there’s threads on politics, the fur trade and climate change…Handbags at dawn. Fun fun fun.
those wouldn’t be leather handbags, would they?
And what’s it to you sonny jim? I have the right, in this land of democracy, to bludgeon who’m I see fit. With the melee accesory of my choice. And I’ll invade whoever I damn please to keep this right and to let others experience this great pillar of democracy.