Michael and Me

As I was getting some pizza for lunch a woman today called me a “little Michael Moore.” :smiley:

You be the judge.


So, which one is you? :thinking:

It’s close.

Hahah. you look better though. by like alot. unless you get a nasty beard and not use proper hygene…

MM has more chins.

You differ greatly. You have integrity.

Mr. Harper - I never pegged you for a Moore hater.

I’m working on it.

That may be true, but I’m still waiting for the right offer.

Re: Michael and Me

Striking similarity! MM did a great (although dirty) job of keeping Bush out of the White House - just not good enough. But would he want Nader in? That, I think, is the most apparent difference between JJ and MM ! :slight_smile:

Klaas Bil

Don’t know. Never met the guy, he might be really nice. I certainly trust Raphael’s research more.

You are wayyy sexier…

how can you tell? I lost count.

And yes, you do look very much like Michael Moore. only not quite as scraggly.

Re: Michael and Me

I heard that any time Michal Moore rides his unicycle, someone yells out “Hey, there goes Raphael Lasar!”

Re: Michael and Me

The first time I saw your red hat avatar I took a double take because I honestly thought it was MM.

In my dad’s younger days he was occasionally asked if he was Don Knotts.

Re: Re: Michael and Me

Its true I thought I saw Raphael but it was just Michael Moore to my great disapointment:( :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: made me very sad. LBI is just not enough for me. LOL! I so said that and its so true!!! 1337 H4K50RZ CH335E!!!100000!!1

Because you ride the unicycle (I assume you do) you are a winner in my book.
But Michael Moore, that guy is one heavy dudy loser.
After what he did , making that film, showing disrespect for our president during this time of war, of couse he is going to end up such a loser.
He sits on the ash-heap of history, buried under unread copies of his books, under unviewed copies of his films. The american people responded to his lies, and he gets what he deserves.

Don’t compare yourself to him, you are much better because you ride the unicycle.


I like the cleanly shaven look.

Michael Moore looks like he’s been living in a food-filled dump, or he can’t afford a razor.

when questioning your government becomes disrespect, your democracy will be the only loser

You know, Raphael, I’ve been having the same type of problem only I hear it’s getting to be a real situation for the other guy…everytime he’s out in public getting accosted by radical groupies thinking it’s me. On the other hand, I’m sort of glad for the safety net. He takes some of the pressure off me and allows me to lead somewhat of a normal life. So, R, I’d be thankful for your look-a-like. Just some person thoughts from experience.

Bruce (the real one)



Should be "Just some personal thoughts from experience.

I didn’t catch it in time to edit.