Max Schulze UNICON video

New video just showed at UNICON

That was awesome, Max. You’re just too good.

Treydouble was sick, and the line on the rocks was pretty sweet.

wow, really sick video :astonished:
I like the first clip :slight_smile:

The sidejump at 1:30 was insane, awesome video :smiley:

:astonished: sick vid!!!
how big was the gap at 1:30? :roll_eyes:
really good vid!!! insane trial line :smiley:

Nice video, awesome trials lines everywhere:) Kris used that song in a really old video though. Anyway, awesome riding:)

Thats was some nice trails riding man. Really enjoyed your video!

def the best trials rider of all time.


Every clip in that vid was good! The table gap looked HUGE! Nice job on trey double.

Are you riding a luna :astonished: ?

So awesome. The table gap looked crazy. Every part was excellent.

Sweet! I especially liked every part. :slight_smile:

Forgot to say, the filming on the handrail was excellent!

My new favourite video. The table gap and long jump down those stairs was sick, how far? :sunglasses:

Awesome video. I really enjoyed watching it. I liked the scene that was backwards, and the gap between the tables.

The set at the end was huge! Good video.

So very sweet.
You really are taking it to the max. Its awesome, I loved the whole video. Great riding, really nice trials lines. The table gap definitly was sick. Nice flatland riding too.

Max dfhghfdagjhd that was sooooo awsome!

Fantatsic Video, and I love the song. FurnaceFace is clearly one of the best things to come out of Ottawa ever. I was trying to figure out where else I had heard the song, and realized it was Kris’s Section in the first New World Disorder movie he was in. I forget the number, but found a clip of it on Youtube.
Now the song’s in 2 awesome unicycling videos.

So awesome man. Inspiration big time :astonished: