Do I believe in marijuana? Yes, I have actually SEEN some. I have not been a user for over 30 years because I don’t like it. However I believe ALL drugs should be legalized, there should be NO drinking age, NO smoking age, NO driving age. You should be able to send your three year old daughter to the corner store to buy a nickel bag of herion.
Yep. It’d be a lot easier to educate and learn about these things if it was perceived as a social issue rather than a legal one. Bear has been asking a lot about why we have certain laws. It is sometimes harder to explain than other times.
My grama D.O.B 1900 received her drivers license at the age of 12. The county made and exception for her family because my great grandad had passed away or something. She didn’t wreck. On the other hand, It would be scary to see Bear doing 70.
I agree…people should decide whether or not it is bad for themselves, not just listen to their teachers say that drugs are bad because I said so!!
If you’re just going by the poll to make that assumption it’s not proper.
I voted in the smoked more than 5 times in my life but I’m sure many like me may have smoked as a youth but have long since put that behind us and don’t touch the stuff anymore…
Thats a good point…a better conclusion is that many unicyclists have experimented with psychoactive drugs before in their lives.
hear hear
PS ive gotten high in the nutmeg sky if you get me drift but only once
most pple do smoke it constantly, and if the actual drug dont kill u, while ur high u do stupid things that can kill u
That actually is more common with LSD, with which you practically lose control of your mind. Pot doesn’t really do that, it just makes your senses more sensitive, or something like that.
Can we turn this into a GOD thread?
Harper has a pony tail, for what it’s worth. He may be a hippy.
Who is Mortimo Planno (died last month at 85)?
What’s his relationship to Bob Marley?
What’s the connection between these 2 names, marijuana and GOD?
Can we turn this into a GOD thread?
I’ve never touched the stuff, or anything like it, and I plan not to…I’ve never heard any good stories coming from the use of it…
To those who say we’ve never been told facts, jsut had “don’t do it” soved down our throats, I dunno what you’re talking about…at my school, any drug/alchohol/smoking awareness thing, ewe’ve always been given facts about them.
have i done it…yes i have. did i enjoy it…hell no! i dont kno if its just me or not but my system reacts really badly to the stuff i have like vcrazy panic attcks and i cant breathe. ive done it a couple of times beacause the first time i thought it was just a fluke…but after the second time i decided not to do it anymore.
Podzol is dead-on right with this. Though most of y’all don’t, I know from experience.
During grade ten and the summer of grade nine I used to smoke alot of pot. I liked it, it was cheaper to get than booze and I could be home and sober in time to keep my parents happy. I enjoyed it alot, probably smoked a joint every weekend for about a year and a couple times a week during those summers. I stopped though, after finding myself doing it just for the hell of it and not really enjoying the high anymore. Haven’t smoked since.
I really don’t care if people smoke pot, just as long as its something they do occasionaly and not habitualy but I guess thats just the same thing as drinking or other drugs. It isn’t the best thing for you but if you do want to compare it to other things, it is better for you than alcohol. Other than lung damage it does nothing permanent unless you are still developing. Due to the fact that it is pretty much unfiltered it is worse for your lungs than cigarettes but as long as you don’t do it very often then it can heal.
Anyways, it can be fun, if you like it, otherwise more for other people. Actualy one thing I wouldn’t mind doing again was making some brownies, I only did it once, but we made them perfectly and I remember it being pretty fun.
there’s a time in life for everything. for marijuana, that time would be late in high school or possibly during college. smoking when you’re in your 30’s is not desireable. and remember kids, everything in moderation.
ok, so not too far off topic: i just did a unispin while inhaling (unless i run for president) on a blunt. am i the first person to ever spin a uni and smoke at the same time? (if so, then w00t, i knew i wouldn’t be the first to pull any great tricks, but i can live with first to unispin while smoking). oh, and yes, i know i’ll die of cancer, it’s what i call my 30 year retirement plan. i’m hoping i can get on medicare and have welfare pay for my hospice therapy.
also, i’m pretty sure it’s not too addicting, but it is darn fun.
I have smoked pot recreationally on a not too regular basis for the last year or so. (Maybe 10 times in the 12 months). I have never had a bad experience with it, but i know of some people that get paranoid or anxious. I used it mainly as a relaxant during my last year at school (it was easier to work the next day- better than a hangover). I no longer use it as the long term effects which can include psychosis (skitsophrenia- spelling?)and lung cancer are just too debilitating. There is no way i want to preech about not using the drug- just be aware of the possible outcomes. If you have weighed up the odds and are going to experiment make sure you have a good safe environment to do it in (and a supply of cornchips, chocolate and sour gummy worms…trust me on this one)
i don’t do drugs and i don’t plan on doing drugs.
well said
Yay for south park
No, no, tobacco is one of the (if not the) most addictive substances. Didn’t we mention this in the smoking thread?
I agree.
Taking the ‘criminality’ out of drug taking may lead to more people taking drugs but would lead to less of the crimes that are associated with drug taking.
(I didn’t know that driving was a drug though).
Also something that no one has seemed to mentioned yet is that pot can make you seriously paranoid. And sometimes it leaves you like that.
The brain is more forgiving of alcohol than pot in the long run.