
im sorry if this is against the rules, couldnt find the pages with the forum rules on it :thinking: , but anyways my question is who here uses marijuana? as in recreational,medicual … i can say im a strong believer in it just wondering i guess everyones opinion on it aswell

i people would stop smmoking it i would say it great it makes super strong cloth paper and it also grows faster and produces more oxygen 30% faster than trees

I beleive in marajuana.

i know alot of people who smoke the stuff at school,but i dont so who cares about them! If they want to die at age 22,then OK;)

But anyway, dont most patients that use marijuana for medical purposes have to use it because they get addicted and there bodies need it to stay alive? I know this is true for most illegal drugs that patients need to use for medical purposes. After awhile ur body needs it or u will die if you dont have it in ur system, thats why they need it for medical purposes eh. ?

Marijuana is not addictive to most people, addiciton is rare, both in medical and recreational use. People take it medically to ease constant pain mostly, not because they’re addicted. I’m a strong believer in the existance of marijuana, but not in the taking of it.

Hmmmm…Praising up the pot?

:slight_smile: I think so

Ummm… Drugs are baaaaad, mmkay.

theres a big huge thread on this a long time ago, I’ll find it!

Got it!
Has a lot of interesting stuff in it…and apparently many unicyclists are regular smokers. Personally I don’t think that marijuana is as bad as people make it out to be…I don’t think its any worse than smoking tobacco. Its just more addictive which can potentially make the effects worse. With that said, I haven’t used it before and don’t plan to ( :

k thanks james i looked up everything expect pot in the search lol :roll_eyes: , i can tell u you will not die at the age of 22 by smoking pot alone, unless you constantly inhale it 24/7, even then it would be doubtful your more likely to die of smoking ciggarettes as its a chemical addiction where as marijuana is more mental

i don’t do drugs . . . alot of my friends do but I don’t

yet your user name is crackbrain…

Im sure someone else has posted a reply to this, but I stoped reading, and am adding one for you.

Its not addictive. Its used medically to relieve pain in patients… i.e. cancer and cronic back pain.

How is smoking pot going to kill you at 22? Cigarettes are more likely to kill you (lung cancer)… what kills in pot? nothing. What are they teaching kids in health class these days??

To ignore the facts and blindly follow the rules, simply because they’re the rules. Scary isn’t it!


look it up in the dictionary. It has nothing to do with drugs or addiction.

I agree with Kristine here…I can almost guarantee that if someone who smokes marijuana will not die at age 22, unless they’re hit by a car, or shot.
People who use marijuana for medicine do not get addicted to it any more than you get addicted to aspirin…its possible, yes, if you’re irresponsible in using it. Addiction happens, true. But be smart about it, plan on not getting addicted, and you won’t get addicted. Even if you do get addicted, you won’t die if you don’t get it in your system. For certain drugs there are painful side effects from not using it. I believe that heroin is the worst drug to get addicted to, because it is almost literally impossible to go cold turkey. But cannabis of any kind, tobacco, marijuana, hash, anything like that, you have the physical ability to quit at any time. Its the mental attachment to it that makes it so hard for most people.

he should also look up the word drug in the dictionary im sure he has tooken some before DRUG Definition & Usage Examples |

You should look the word tooken up in the dictionary.

LOL. Good one. Especially for a non-stoner. :wink:

Hi there folks.
Just put in my two cents.

I’ve run in some pretty rough crowds and have managed to stay clean. I read up on various drugs and pretty much decided to live without. Not even much of a caffeine drinker.

On pot:

Although it is not physically addicting, it can easily be HABITuating and psychologically addicting. Anything can be habituating or psychologically addicting, even a favorit chair. If someone says you cannot be addicted to pot, they are wrong. There are doubts about it’s physically addictive character, though.

I believe THC works on dopamines, same thing chocolate does. Yes people can become psychologically addicted to chocolate too.

I do not know any long term studies on chronic pot inhallation, but I don’t think smoking A LOT of anything is going to do your lungs any good, tobacco or not. (Those of you who either know or are chronic pot smokers know about coughing up crud etc.) Dolphins get black lung disease and don’t smoke anything, just breathe air at sea level.

From what I have read, when people who are not complete developmentally complete mentally (ie teens and younger) smoke a lot of pot, they can spend much of the developmental time high. The brains do not develop when high. Synapses aren’t forming etc. Some of you may know people that spent their teenage years baked on this non-physically addicting drug thinkingid was relatively harmless. These people stay teenagers emotionally, for good. They may be smart, but they wasted the exclusive intererval of time when the brain is doing important maturation by being high so much.

For me, I didn’t want anything to do with it. All substances have dangers, even ones that are non addictive, of some utility, and even good for you in some cases.

The point of this diatribe is that growing brains shouldn’t have psychoactive substances unless called for because of a specific medical or psychiatric need. Not enough robust science has been done to understand what it does in the long term to the brain. Studies that have been done show them to be detrimental.

So if you’re 15 and thinking about it, at least hold off and make that decision until you’re 25 when your brain is done growing.

end of diatribe.