Like Betty Bedford? You'll love this new shirt!

am i mistaken or is the girl second in from the left Betty in the flesh?

who’s who?

here’s who’s who from left to right:
Lindsey, Laura, Irene, Christy, kim


Man, that is a totally grrrroooovvvy shirt!!

And despite what some might think, or expect to think, I don’t think it’s politically incorrect AT ALL. I know some feminists who would dig this shirt big time because to them, this could be intrepreted as a symbol of female empowerment. These are not just a group of fine looking girls for us guys to ooggle at–they are fine looking girls who are in command of some mega-unicycles. And they look like they can ride better than any one, and, they are totally hot! Those are not just beautiful legs we are looking at–those are beautiful legs that know how to pedal!

Bravo to the designer, and bravo to the girls! This image is one of those things that will help unicycling, and without a doubt, will gain many more converts to the one-wheeled cause.

except that seems like the entire purpose of this shirt, just for guy to ooggle at girls in their underwear…call me old fashioned, but in my opinion it’s kind of dumb to have a T-shirt of people wheelwalking with no pants on. clearly most everyone here will disagree strongly with me, which is why this is my one and only post in this thread. bye! (:

Outside of this newsgroup you’re largely right. Like the Harper Hottie shirt, this one is something of an “in joke”. But just like my HH shirt, I’ll wear this one happily.

I would, respectfully of course, ask dogbowl to provide his definition of “many more”, though. :wink:

The next evolution in all this will be a group of our more hirsute male riders wheel walking in their tidy-whities.

I understand why you say that, but I usually seperate the “purpose” of a work of art with the resulting image. Perhaps the designer did indeed have the intent of making a shirt for us guys to oogle at. I don’t know what the designer was thinking, I can’t read his (or her) mind. But for my eyes, in this picture, I see more than just something to oogle at–I see 5 unicyclists who just happen to be really fine looking women with marvelous legs. They could be in their underwear, or those could be bathing suits, or those could be a new type of bike short that is made for the summer–it does not matter–it is an artistic statement that harkens back to the Radio City Rocketts, Can-Can girls, 1940’s style pin-up posters, and its mix of mechanical device (unicycle) combined with this representation of the female form created an intriguing imagery that deserves artistic merit. It even invokes (for me, ) renessaince painting a la Bottecelli, or, perhaps Bosch with its mixture of mechanics and humanity. At first glance, it appears surreal in some way, but when we learn that these are real unicyclists, the picture gathers a more profound meaning–we all know how much of a challange it is to learn the unicycle, therefore, we not only oogle these ladies, we applaud them on their riding skills. It’s a mix of sexiness and sportsman–uh, I mean sportspersonship that I personally read into it.
So, sure, maybe the designer did want to make something for us all to gawk at, but I think there is more to this picture than meets the eye, (or drooling mouth…):smiley:

Hi Raphael
I define “many more,” in this case as in many more potential new unicyclers, or, many more people who suddenly regard the unicycle as the groovy thing that it is. Perhaps many more is an exageration, but I am highly enthusiastic about the unicycle and spreading the word. Anything that directly contradicts the “clown” image as this shirt so sexily does, is a positive thing in my book.

Image, you live your life without thinking of unicycles. To you, unicycles are only things that clowns ride. Then someone walks by with that shirt. There is nothing clown-like in that image, and those unicycles look really big and serious. You might scratch your chin and think,

“Wow, I never thought of unicycles as being cool and sexy like that.”

It appeals to men and women alike–to men, it might inspire them to check out the unicycle because –

“wow, a lot of groovy-looking girls like to ride the unicycle, maybe I can meet one like that, and wow, those unicycles look really cool, hey that looks like a fun thing to do…”

and to women, it can be an inspiration along the line of

“those girls look really cool on their unicycles and look at the way my boyfriend is oogeling that t-shirt, he does not oogle me any more, wait, is he oogeling the girl, or is he oogeling the unicycles, hey wait a minute, those unicycles do look mighty excellent, that looks like an awsome thing to do…”

And so on.
We need good propaganda! Sexy propaganda. Sexy, artistic propaganda. This works…

But you see, this is where my sexist side comes out. That type of thing would not appeal to me–but…wait a minute, I know some women (and gay guys) who would totally dig that!

For propaganda purposes, that too would be good…for the unicyclist community…more people in their underwear :astonished:

Snigger. This means something else in English English. IGMC :smiley:

I never liked Betty, but JJuggle i have to say I love your “harper hottie” shirt.

I always thought the phrase was “tighty-whities”, with the key reference being to fit rather than state of cleanliness.

I guess both could be considered important :).

The truth is I had never heard that expression before I was forced to watch Legally Blonde, so I just spelled it like I heard it. Google has it 28,400 to 416 in favor of “tighty whities” so you must be right.

Orange, check with John Foss. You might still be able to get a Harper Hottie shirt. :slight_smile:

Steve (dogbowl), I was being somewhat facetious, of course, as you’d have to agree that short of actual guarantees of sex, money, or power, not much, even that t-shirt, is actually going to get many people to take up unicycling. Personally I think seeing someone with that t-shirt on would lead the average person to believe that they’re really odd, and seeing someone unicycling with that t-shirt one would lead the average person to think they’re really odd, really obsessed and possibly a sicko. That wont stop me from wearing it though. :smiley:

LOL!! :smiley: That’s really funny!
This is true. Sometimes I forget that I am probebly totally bonkers:D I go on and on, trying to justify the silliest things…
All the more reason to wear it…while riding!!!:slight_smile:
(I nearly spilled coffee on my keyboard from laughing when I read “possibly a sicko”)

A man of true and admirable principles.

whered the left arm on the far right girl go?


The picture also has an excellent DEVO quality to it. Could easily be the cover of a DEVO record.
That Telford uni is so cool. I like frames like that–I like Hunter frames too. But that Telford…that too is quite DEVO in it’s own way:) .

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a particularly flattering photo; the lighting is harsh. Those girls look better in person, even though in person you can’t airbrush out the scars on their shins.

I was wondering about that… I mean, some people may find the scars unattractive, but I’d rather see the scars (okay, maybe “tone them down” if they’re way dark). I think scars are uber-sexy, I mean, not only do the girls look good, but it shows they play hard, too. Grrr!

the arm on the end?
the two of us on the ends were trying to put our arms down with our hands kind of under the seat like the girl on the betty t-shirt was doing. so that is where her arm is, kind of behind her so you can’t really see it in this photo.

I don’t understand what you mean. Devo were a group of 5 men in yellow rubber suits with plastic hair and sunglasses. They were not at all sexy.
Unless you mean the GoGos, I think your comparison to Devo is very wrong.

I’m just going to guess that Steve knows the difference between Devo and the GoGos. Or the Bangles for that matter.


Oh-e-oh, wheel walk like an Egyptian.

Lol, now there’s an image… Where did I leave photoshop? Maybe a new T-shirt design is in order. :stuck_out_tongue:
