Like Betty Bedford? You'll love this new shirt!

is it possible to be a official 11 i thought they havent like made 11-15 yet hmm


Are there unicycles in the picture?

Level 11 is an unofficial level that is for adults only! Search the forums for any more info. Hint-it involves two people and only one trick/skill.

Official level 11-means the person is a level 10 rider and has passed the unofficial level 11.

Unofficiall level 11-means the person is not a level 10 rider but has passed the unofficial level 11.

A past forum search will show that to be an official level 11 rider includes passing level 10 and photographic evidence of passing level 11. There are no official level 11 riders.

at least none that you have SEEN…

and THAT shirt is going to be quite a bit more expensive!

LOL! :smiley:

Nice shirt!

How about a “L to R” legend? Who’s who?

Hotties, and unis, in the same picture? My brain is deadlocked… someone needs to press my reset button before I melt down! This one’s a must-buy, although I dunno if the missus would approve of the purchase.

So here’s the question for the unofficial level 11ers… my g/f’s an unofficial level two, and I’m unofficially level 5. What “skills” should we develop to leapfrog the rest of the levels and go straight to level 11?

Well we already know the second from the right is a Telford… :smiley:

I’m going to say Pashley, Torker, Yuni, Telford, Torker.

Ooooh, twins! :wink: :smiley:

The last Torker might be a Sem XW.

What is that photo in the spokes of the Yuni?

So it is possible to wheel walk a Telford?

The previous Bedford shirts were okay, but this one proves:

Real Girls Rock!

And I say that in a respectful, happily married, old enough to be their father kind of way.:wink:

The TCUC Pashley, jl0r’s gus-built Bedford frame muni, irene’s bedford muni, andy’s telford, jl0r’s wife’s gus-built Bedford frame muni.

And for those curious, all the girls are taken, except the underage one.


I’m guessing it is no photo, but rather Irene’s “racer number” from a competitive muni event.

Re: Like Betty Beford? You’ll love this new shirt!

On Tue, 31 May 2005 10:37:15 -0500, “unicycle6869” wrote:

>Can you guess the two level 11’s in that photo?!!

Naturally, the ones with the broadest smiles :slight_smile: Although one of them
is not really level 11.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

wouldnt you be grumpy if somone just said you had PMS? - jagur