KH segment, discovery channel


Earlier this year I shot a short segment for a Discovery Channel science show called the Daily Planet. The intent wasn’t to make something really technical; instead it was to help non-riders understand more about our sport.

Right now it’s showing up at if you check the sidebar on the lower right.


Is it gonna be on the telly? If yes, then I’m going to my friend’s house to watch!

And congratulations! It’s nice to have some coverage.

Yes it will rerun quite a few times on the Daily Planet, but it’s easier to watch it online at

Won’t let us in the USA play the video.

Great! And easy is not the point. If I go to my friend’s house I’ll get him to watch it too, you see. I’m a rider, so I don’t really need to watch a vid for non-riders to understand the sport, but my friend does.

No, nor the UK either :frowning:


Doesn’t work in the UK either :frowning:

EDIT: Ooh, stereo!

OK, it seems that it doesn’t play outside Canada. Must be a licensing issue. If I get a copy I’ll post it somewhere else.


Thanks Kris. I couldn’t find it on the US site either. Apparently is much cooler than However I did like the piece I saw on “Designing the Future, 2030” about a group of college students competing at the General Motors Tech Center to design a car for 2030. I was in a very similar program in 1979, but as a high school student at Chrysler.

It just refuses to load for me :frowning:


way to go Kris, now i got people talking about trials unicycling who didn’t have a clue before!

another reason for me to move to canada.

I’d be able to mirror it if you don’t want to waste bandwidth, too.

If you get a copy

yeah, canada rocks!

soooooo, is there anyway to watch this in the us yet?

I’ll obtain a DVD copy and post it once I get it.


Thanks, I wanna see this.

Its reading the IP and noticeing that people are outside canada, if people change there IP to a canadian one it should work

yeah, they did a whole thing about that. the show was called “futurecar”

there are 4 episodes, and they are awesome.

There are six episodes of “Futurecar” (that I know of; I don’t think there are more though). The later ones rehash a decent amount of info from the first few, but do have some new material also.