Just thought id share this delightful experience.

Me and my mom went to our local chinese restaraunt to buy some sushi about an hour before closing time tonight. We walk in and the place is completely empty, so we start choosing our pieces. And (im assuming) the manager comes over and says "I can give you a discount " she pauses to think for a second, and she says “all of it for ten dollars”.

 So I start freaking. There is a fairly big amount of sushi left on the trays and the regular price of it is eight pieces for four dollars, and we had roughly 25 pieces! So now we have a bunch of philly rolls in our fridge. And yes, dont worry I will eat it all by tomorrow! By the way, philly rolls are my favorite. So yeah, I just want the whole world to know my life story. No really, this is my life story.


i hat esushi but cool. thank you for sharing you delightful experience.

Have you ever tried it?

Sushi in Ohio?

I tried eel once, cuz its cooked, but I have a texture problem. I’m really sensitive to touch, and if its something slimy, gooey, or something else that is not to my liking, I have a hard time ingesting it.

I have not braved real sushi because of this. Although, I have tried many other cooked things, like buffalo and alligator to name a couple.

Some day I will try sushi I’m sure, I’m just not quite ready yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

yea. i dont like raw stuff. chewy and ick.

That’s pretty neat.

I like tofu sushi. I don’t eat meat so I’ve never tried the stuff with fish tho…

My friend who’s living in Japan right now says that in Japan, the sushi there almost never has meat in it.
With that said, sushi is quite delicious, both the not meat and the yes meat kind.

You lucky SOB! I love sushi! Did you ask the manager how long it had been out? Maybe he gave it to you for a discount b/c it wasn’t so fresh. Either that or they needed to make room for the next day’s shipment (speculation).

you can’t not like sushi.

I am pretty sure there is a law against that.

I devour sushi. I am like a sushi monster.

Hamachi sushi, rainbow rolls, dragon rolls and spicy tuna/ octopus handrolls are my favorites. Caterpiller rolls are good too.


sushi is Japanese :wink:

mmm you made me hungry, I think I will go and buy some seaweed papers and some fixings tomorrow so I can roll some myself, the trick is in getting the rice right.

I’ve made then with and without the meat, it is good either way

I don’t like Sushi, but I’ve never had it, and I don’t particularly want to…

I can understanding not wanting to try it, but how can you not like something you have never tried?

Well. I don’t like seafood in general. I like some fish okay but I just don’t like most seafood, and I hate some of it.

I’ve had those little seaweed papery roll things with rice and I don’t like that (although I do love rice).

So if I don’t like seafood, and I don’t like seaweed, then I assume that I will not like raw seafood and seaweed. Besides, I can live without finding out.

And I don’t see how you can have meatless sushi. I thought sushi just meant raw fish…

sushi is good

Myself and two friends, none of us ever having had sushi went out and got some. We ordered a few varieties, and it was bland at best. Two of the pieces I ate were bland and squishy, slightly ricey. The salmon sushi was awful, way fishy.

Maybe it was just crappy sushi, but it was from a “sushi bar.”

I won’t be having sushi again, unless I am assured by a sushi connoisseur that it is awesome sushi. Then I might try a little.

You need to mix in some wasabi with you soy sauce, but yah I am not a big fan of salmon in sushi, crab on the other hand is excellent.

In that case, you don’t ever want to try uni.

That’s sea urchin for all you non-sushi types.

Sounds like you’ve never been near “good” sushi. A good piece of hamachi or shiromaguro will melt in your mouth. Not chewy at all, and definitely not ick!

Dude, no one’s going to force you to try it, but be careful with your never-even-tasted-it approach. BTW it’s not a fish dish, it’s a rice dish. It can contain fish, veggies, or many other things. If you like rice you should give a simple veggie-based roll a chance. The seaweed (nori) is also optional, but you’re more likely to see it, especially outside of restaurants.

Raw fish all by itself is called sashimi.

Sounds like crappy sushi. There are sushi bars and there are sushi bars. The picture of uni that I linked above was at a sushi place in Tokyo. Awesome. Unfortunately sushi comes in a huge range of quality. From the stuff at the food court or supermarket, to what you’ll find at your area’s top Japanese restaurants, it’s night & day. In my area, as a general rule, most of the top sushi places have Japanese management. It doesn’t matter who’s making it, but when you have someone Japanese in charge, your odds are much better.

In places like Michigan and Ohio it might be harder to find this, and you might be stuck with the local Chinese-place-with-sushi-bar. We found a pretty nice spot in downtown Ann Arbor (MI) last summer during NAUCC though.

Yep. It wasnt as fresh as usual. But still pretty tasty if you ask me!

Well the restaraunt is called “happy family buffet” and the subtitle is “chinese and japanese cuisine”. I just assumed that the sushi was chinese.