This question was on Jeopardy about ten minutes ago. First, what’s the answer they are looking for? Second, why’s that answer wrong?
the princess bride
i cant remember the name though
" my name is aminto mantoyo you killed my father now prepare to die"
Princess bride, it’s already been said.
BUT! His name is spelled with 2 n’s- Innigo Montoya.
Oh yeah, and the sword wasn’t six fingered… His hand was.
Wow. two errors in one question. Those people need to get their awesome books straight.
It’s true, the answer they were looking for is the Princess Bride. BUT, as far as I know, Inigo was spelled correctly.
Come on, what’s the flaw with their question?
wow… Spyder posted, but now it’s not showing up. Both he and I saw the sword thing though.
Thank goodness for the edit/delete functions! (I saw Fuego had answered, so I deleted my reply.)
He may have answered, but he answer is WRONG! Come on, someone must know the flaw in the question.
BTW: Spyder, who is that on your avatar? It looks like PM.
Re: Jeopardy Question
Daino where did you get the picture from? It looks like it was taken frome NY/NJ area because of the logo. Unless yous gots the channel on 7 but I dont know if you could have thought to grab the camera that fast.
There must be several channel 7-ABC stations. In London, we get WXYZ from Detroit.
It’s Richard Marcinko, the Rogue Warrior. (Who’s PM?)
The answer isn’t because his hand, not the sword, was six fingered?
Haha I guess they have the same logos. Ok I guess thats it the abc 7s have mostly the same logos then.
That will be my next question. But, no, Inigo’s hand did not have six fingers. His sword, however, did.
Incorrect, sir. Inigo’s sword did not have six fingers, nor does the question imply it does. The six-fingered man’s sword–made by Inigo’s father–was in fact a “six-fingered sword”, in that it was made custom for a man with six fingers, hence had special handle.
Jeopardy rarely botches their questions, and I don’t think they botched this one.
agreed, it was a six fingered hilt.
I know I know!
ABC and the 7-in-a-circle logo are common. That same 7 is used by many local ABC affiliates. I also grew up with it on WXYZ in Detroit, but I’ve seen it elsewhere. At least in the Eastern time zone, live TV shows are actually live! They hardly ever are out here on the West coast…
So cough it up Daino. Is it a trick question, or were we supposed to think the grammar was wrong?
In the movie (The Princess Bride) Inigo (correct spelling) is trying to kill the six fingered man. I suppose we could assume this man has a six fingered sword (in which case the question is correct), but, the six fingered sword is carried by Inigo. The sword was made for the six fingered man, but he never had it.
I thought the six-fingered man took the sword and then killed Inigo’s father. Why would he kill the father and not take the custom-made sword?
Guess I’ll have to see the movie again…
Smart boy, correct boy. I stand corrected. Bad Jeopardy!
But since we’re on TPB, wouldn’t you agree that Mark Knopfler is one of the great movie soundtrack composers of our time? Anyone liking TPB should invest in “Music from Cal”. Mark, Paul Brady on Tin Whistle, and Liam O’Flynn…the master piper. Simple music, passionately and flawlessly executed.
That’s what I thought too, although I forgot I thought it when making my initial respond on this thread. It’s a bit of a gap in logic in the story, but Daniel is correct. Inigo has the sword, and he shows it to Westly as he tells the story of his father’s death and his lifelong search for the six fingered man.