I constantly say “Gay is not a negative adjective” whenever people use it around me in that context.
It usually receives the response “Huh?” and gives an opening to explain that the word “gay” should not be used to negatively describe something because homosexuality isn’t “a bad thing” - even if it’s not “your thing”.
Most people are typically open to the reasoning, even if it’s likely not going to result in them changing their behavior.
Henry Rollins explains it as having something to do with the 70’s. When gay guys were walking into discos, pre ‘specter of death AIDS’, having anonnymous sex with five to seven partners nightly while listening to some of the kewler party music this planet has produced.
If that isn’t the epitome of “Happy” and “Joyous”…
And since you have the whole christer thing going there in your sig, doesn’t that mean you’re supposed to forgive 'those who trespass against you"?
No qualifications. Just ‘forgive’?
I’m about to start a campaign against the use of any expression of negativity.
Care to join?
oh man…i have some woppers of goth kids in my high school! they have absolutely every piece of goth clothing on possible! They wear those leather “dress” type pants if you’ve ever seen one before. And the common chains and what not. One kid has a mohawk everyday. They listen to there music 24/7 in school, during class, tests, even exams!
since im leaving the forums ill just say whatever i want from now on…youre so lame maestro. nobody cares what you have to say. especially when all you do is try to bring people down. you suck.
Hahahaha why on earth did you feel the need to put that bracketed section in there? The ‘definately’ was just the icing on the cake. Do you seriously think any would think you were gay after what you’ve just said about homosexuality? So why did you feel the need to say it? Are you really that scared that someone might think you are?
ThisGuyIKnow, I’m liking your viewpoint, and yours maestro8.
Really? I’m a goth person, do I frighten you? What exactly is frightening about the appearance of a goth, you know it’s just some kid with an unusual choice of style, if he’d gone for skate jeans and a T-shirt, or indeed a blazer and tie, it would still be the same person underneath.
My friends and i used to conduct experiments on how people reacted to a teenage kid in black wearing makeup and a bit (ok, a lot) of industrial jewellrey( i.e. us). Holding doors for people or otherwise going out of your way to be helpful completely confused them, as did discussing sciences or literature within their ear-shot. I love screwing with people’s pre-conceptions.
Well, Podzol, an unsolicited apology from someone who need never have been “found out” is a rare beast indeed, so full marks.
But do we assume that all gay people agree with the one individual you have asked? Is that like all black people agree with each other - especially Tutsis and Hutus from neighbouring villages.
I had a laugh the other day. Some loudmouth DJ got into trouble for using “gay” in a disparaging manner. The vociferous part of the gay community then got very upset about this hijacking of their word - just as 40 years ago people who preferred it to mean “light hearted and frivolous” got very upset about the word being hijacked!
And the DJ’s defence, which was accepted? That using “gay” as a disparaging word is not anti-homosexual, because it only means “lame”. Which of course isn’t insulting to those people afflicted with a bad leg?
the teachers just give up on these kids. I have been there when they (goths) have gotten yelled at. They keep on doing it, but yeah i know our school could try harder and have more discipline.
Mike Fule, I know my sample size was small (N=1), but I thought my bro’s reaction was too great to pass posting. And my bro is far from typical in any circle, might I add…
But I am tired of the issue, hence the apology. I’m not a lesbian, but I frequently am mistaken for one because I am a tomboy, even so I find that language very offensive. My post was an attempt to tidy up any carnage I had caused before moving on to other battlefields.
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