It's so gay...

A “Fag” is a ciggarette in the UK and some other countries in Europe if im not mistaken

I heard it was the whole cigarette, not just the end, and faggots for a bundle of sticks.

But how many times do you think when someone is calling something a fag, or a fagot, they are telling it hem that it hem are a cigarette, or a bundle of sticks?

hey im not homophobic… i disprove of gayness because the church does but i do my best not to discriminate because of it … i even have a few gay friends (I am definately not gay myself) and “gay” has become a slang for me

-bites tongue hard-

I’m still confused about the whole ‘You’re so 80’s’ thing

Does it mean that that person is stuck in the 80’s, or what?

This is 80’s
See lil’ baby jungauni! :wink:


are u sure … i don’t think people walked down the street looking like that

Youd be surprised…

Just look at emos\scene kids, some of them actually resemble the 80s look, like the cure and all that stuff, and they walk around like it is nothing.

yeah… goth people too … some of those people are scary, but i meant the majority of the people

I sometimes say “I feel gay” just to be obnoxious and use the other sense of the word.

I feel pretty, oh so pretty…

I am against Christian and cross crap, especailly when people like you give all other Christians a bad name, and make others look poorly on your religion and post negatively in threads like “Unicycle for Christ”. They are fed up with your attitude.

gay does not equal stupid and never did. From now on I am going to use “christian” to mean stupid, because I am against Christian crap.

And as for the actual reason for this thread. Just because he is gay does nto get offended by it, does not mean it’s not offensive. You don’t have to be black to find a racist joke offensive. I find it offensive. I am annoyed by how stupid and inconsiderate young people are, and I am offended by the fact that they don’t even see anything wrong with using that word in that way.

The otehr thing I find ironic is all of the kids who use it on this forum are all involved in that Unicycle for Christ cult.

are you such a robot that you’ll follow anything “the church” says? do you know that “the church” is providing their own interpretation of “the word” and other churches may have different interpretations? how, then, do you decide which church you’ll follow blindly?

what do you do when faced with a situation the church has not encountered before? do you ever dare think for yourself, or do you let the church do all your thinking for you? :thinking:

I remember the late 70’s and early 80’s. We would go to a restaurant called “The Gay Parfait” for ice cream treats. The restaurant was a happy place.

There’s a town in the UP called Gay, MI. Ws an impotant community in the time of the copper boom around the turn of the previous century.

Now, of course each town has a bar, and Gay has a fine establishment called “The Gay Bar.” I’ve been there. They have a plethora of T-shirts that play on the name, none of which use the word gay to mean stupid or bad. They make the best burgers in town, but then they are the only business left in town I believe!

The thread was meant to poke fun at the people who use the work gay to mean stupid AND people, like me, who get caught up in fighting small battles when there are larger ones that may be of more pressing importance. I find it hard to be happy if I can’t laugh at myself sometimes, too!

I thought my brother’s attitude was excellent and the kind needed to put an end to such silliness as using words for minority groups as synonymns for bad, stupid, etc, without letting it ruin anyone’s day.

Just a serious question. Does anyone kno where the term “Gay” changed from meaning Happy or Joyous to meaning Homosexual??? I never could put that puzzle together.

impotent or important?

BTW “Gay” is a fairly common family name in France.
I had two friends who bore that name, this was not a problem until…
Now they need to explain that it’s pronounced “Gah-ye”
(more precisely 5507 persons were born with that name since 1966)

just learned that : Marvin Pentz Gay, Jr., alias Marvin Gaye
so he kept the pronunciation!

Since when did the Gay '90s go from a time of vintage popcorn machines and Barbershop music to a name for gay clubs?

Someone can’t tell the difference between gay and gay.

I’ve been wondering this for years… Never did figure it out…