Is Trials riding dying?

That’s what she said!

Personally, I get periods when I either do trials or flatland/street. Now I’m in the flatland period. I’ve been practicing a lot of step-arounds, wheelwalking, 180s and similar. When I get bored of this, I’ll probably go back to trials. Luckily, I’ve got pallets, gapping bars and a very nice beach with hundreds of rocks about a minute away from my house.

I think of myself as a trials/street rider.

as much as I really really hate to say it, I kinda stopped riding trials. it just doesn’t interest me anymore. I still ride muni but I’m just tired of trials days. If there’s a cool rock on the side of the trail I’ll do it or a log or something but other than that I haven’t touched up on trials riding since january. trials is cool and all but I like the adrenaline rush of bombing down a technical trail on one wheel. Flow is important to me, and I know you guys are gonna say that good trials should be flowy but that said muni is much more flowy than trials will ever be because you’re rolling more often.