I'd like to paint my funi, how is spray paint?

thats a lot of effort and it will look perfect… just sand a little, throw some primer on, don’t sand it unless it looks bad, and paint over, 1 real thin coat, 1 medium coat, one medium thin coat that sort of covers all so that it will be one solid coat.

whats the main purpose of the clear coat? Are you talking about a glossy finish?

Another option to sanding before painting is to pick up a rattle can of quality automotive plastics primer made for better adhesion to plastic and smooth surfaces ( bulldog is a good one). A couple of advantages is that it is quicker and easier than sanding, it is less expensive than a pack of wet sandpaper, and with sanding it is difficult to get into the corners, leaving them more vulnerable to scratching, where the spray is easy to get.
Make sure you get a nice topcoat of clear when done. That way small scratches are in the clear and not as noticeable.

This is what I am doing to mine this week with a custom pattern.:smiley:

I’m almost positive you can get it in a mat finish.

Oh alright, sounds great. And as far as for paint companies and their qualities for price?

Def need pics here when you do it!

I will try to do a tutorial if I can, but if it looks like crap I probably won’t post it haha

Use the search function, my friend, it knows all!

It never hurts to have something fresh, if there were no new posts, then this would not be such a fun forum would it?

Thank you for the links though :slight_smile:

+1 if everyone just read old stuff we’d still be in the 80’s.

Keep it fresh!!!

Do you have much experience with spray cans if not let me know I can give you some tips

You can add new posts to old threads. :wink:

The point is, there has been alot of very useful, helpful, and time consuming answers given on tons and tons(almost all) subjects. The best answer has already usually been typed up in a past thread, and people typically don’t want to answer the same thing twice, let alone as in depth.

You will get much more useful information, A LOT faster, by searching, then you will by starting a new thread. Its also kind of an insult to think about old threads as lost garbage… some people take a lot of time to share very useful info.

On the topic, IMO spray paint is awful for unis. It can be done, and some people do an okay job… but its not ideal.

@ stand - I’ve used spray paint about 3 times in my life, but I know how to spray a nice even coat, and where to spray, and what to wear, how nice the fumes smell when you forget your mask… but other than that. No… haha

@ agent - Oh no I know what you guys are saying, it was not an insult by any means, nor was it sarcasm. It’s just nice to see new things sometimes, and then other people see the new topic, and they might be interested, and who knows, sometimes there’s just new techniques and styles for things. It’s always nice to be suprised (at least for me)

Dude, I like how your uni looks as it is.

I like to be different :wink:

I’m not gonna paint it anytime soon though, because that would mean at least 1 day with no riding (OH MY!!) So I’ll wait a while, maybe when I injure myself haha.

So that was a typo? I thought you were trying to make up a short version of Freestyle unicycle. I did a search and it seems Terry defines Funi as Fun unicycle.

It is funny how UMX which seemed to be the original way offroad unicycling was talked about on the forums (seemingly a variation of BMX) has transformed into MUni. Not all the variations have caught on- GUni is said to be geared unicycle but could be mistaken for Giraffe unicycle.

Giraffe is two syllables, so its easy enough to say “I’m gonna go ride my giraffe”. Where as, “I am gonna go clock some miles on my geared unicycle”, is a mouth full. Shortening giraffe to Guni, would not be useful in anyay, just confusing. Shortening “geared unicycle” to Guni, has a practical purpose.

I thought his “Funi” was his “Free Uni”

I think pretty much all the abreviations, besides muni, sounds kind of dumb. Specially during winter when people started with Wuni and Wmuni.

I just say im unicycling. Going to do some trials I tell people im going to uni. If I had a geared uni id still just say I was going to uni.

Though I could start with the fad. Seeing how its winter here, and I use my uni for trials and street, I guess ill be doing some WSTuni. Some days I have my Cuni with my WSTuni on my back to get around quicker. Then again, my WSTUni somedays is just a Tuni, or a Suni.


I spray painted my freestyle uni, didn’t really turn out well. It looked nice, but the paint on the crown especially wore off fast, and when I did unispin type stuff the paint on the forks first got grimy then the primer started to show, shortly after which shiny metal was bared.

Here’s an image of the paint job half done, I didn’t get one with the flame patterns or bearing holders finished.

I did get the flame pattern that is on the pallet onto the forks, didn’t last long though.

The only paint that’s on it now is a thin coat of primer, it took like 30 seconds with sand paper to get the spray paint off, compared to many hours to get the original paint off in the first place.

Yeah, I have shamed you, fellow freestylers–That is indeed the same tire. I’ve been using it for far too long now. I couldn’t afford to keep getting new tires so I started limiting certain actions to gym floors.

Did you paint as mentioned in here? Lots of prep work, multiple layers and finish with a strong clear coat?