I’m going to order some unicycle stuff including a brand new uni, but I’m a bit conflicted as to what I want to get.
I currently have a 24" Qu-ax mountain unicycle which I mostly like except:
It’s a bit heavy (8.4 kg)
It has 24"x 3.0" tires, there’s no way to get studded tires 3" wide (see my location)
It goes too slowly (5-15 km/h)
What I currently do with it is:
Riding to the store
Ride cross-country
Do really basic tricks, hopping on curbs, riding down stairs
What I’d like to do more of is:
Ride longer distances (see “too slow”)
Ride on ice with studded tires.
Do more “getting around” which I sometimes skip out and take a bike due to the current slowness
What I’m mostly interested in now is a KH29 '07. The Kris Holm stuff looks really good, and from what I’ve read here and elsewhere sounds worth it. I’d also be able to fit a standard 29" 2.2 studded tire on it.
Anyway, this post wasn’t so much about asking a question as about writing my thoughts on the matter down. I think right now I’m more interested in fast cross-country than tricks (I’d like a trials cycle sometime in the future) or going really fast (I’d also like a coker).
Yeah I’ve read that thread and I certainly could do that, but being able to buy standard mountain bike tires studded or otherwise is much easier all-round than buying a 3" inch wide tire and modding it.
The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year where the sun reaches the lowest point in the sky at noon, this year it falls on December 12th with the exact time at Z12:02 so 06:02 here in Saskatchewan (Central Time Zone, no daylight savings, GMT-6)
My last exam in on the 20th so I think I will have to find a Solstice party to celebrate, Might have to go to S-toon though, Not sure if anybody celebrates it here in PA.
My home state, Pennsylvania, is abbreviated with PA. What makes this information more pertinent is that many Pennsylvanians refer to their state as “PA,” not “Pennsylvania.” We actually say the letters P-A instead of “Pennsylvania.” For example: “Hi, I’m from pee-yay.” In fact, the only time I’ve ever said the full name of my state when someone asked where I was from was when I said “pee-yay” and they were like “huh? where?”
To my knowledge, PA is the only state in which residents commonly refer to their state by its abbreviation.
Although your abbreviation is by no means WRONG or offensive, it could easily be mistaken for PA by your not-so-friendly neighbors to the south. Your post REALLY confused me for a moment. I thought you maybe were a PA native living in Canada or something? Anyway. Be careful how you throw around that acronym…you never know who you could be confusing.
On topic:
I agree with the above, a KH29 w/ double drilled 125/150 cranks seems like an excellent choice. If that’s too expensive, you could also look into the Nimbus ISIS 29". Although these don’t come with double drilled cranks, they could be ordered separately. Or, you could just get one size crank.
I just wanted to add that it’s freaking awesome there are unicyclists in Iceland. And you probably get this from every American, but Sigur Rós is awesome!
Sorry about the PA thing, yah I meant Prince Albert, we say PA the same way you guys say it
I have to be careful with LA to, but that one is a bit more obvious to me, Up here LA is La Ronge, you can say that one either La or El-Ae
We have a good Spring Equinox celebration every year in Saskatoon but I’m not sure if anything is happening for the Winter Solstice, I might have to make my own celebration
no but no doubt when you say london you are referring to a small town in Ontario, not the 9 million person capital of the UK.
Anyway, yes reading your post i was thinking KH29, and apparently so was everyone else, go for it. I own a 24x3 and a 29er and they are sufficicently different for it to be worth having both.
There is either an equinox (autumn and spring) or a solstice (summer and winter) on approximately the 21st day of the last month of every quarter of the calendar year. On a day which has an equinox, the center of the Sun will spend a nearly equal amount of time above and below the horizon at every location on Earth and night and day will be of nearly the same length. The word equinox derives from the Latin words aequus (equal) and nox (night).
Northern Virginia is called NoVA (like the Chevy muscle car) by everyone in Virginia except people from NoVA. I’m from NoVA, but never heard the term used until I moved to Richmond.
Jay-Z refers to Virginia as V-A (Vee Yay) in one of his songs, but I don’t think it’s caught on.
More on topic, you could always make your own studded tire
It’s kind of pricy, but I think this tire would fit on a 29. You could bould your own. I’d use about 50 1/2 " or 3/4" sheet meatal screws (shorter for ice, longer for deeper snow) through holes punched through the nubs.
If you’ve got the $ and It can be gotten to you in time I think the best choice would be the geared KH 29". If not the non-geared one.
If you get the Nimbus ISIS you could probably upgrade to the double hole KH cranks for about $70 US.
Down the road (no pun intended), either of those two could be upgraded to the KH geared hub w/o having to get new cranks too. You then could take the old hub and use it in building up a trials uni.