How vast is the universe?

This stuff never fails to boggle the mind. Really makes one realize just how insignificant we all are in the grand scheme of the universe. It takes 100,000 years, travelling at a constant 186,000 miles per second, until we can see our own galaxy in its entirety! (And we’ve scarcely just begun the 10 billion years journey!)

Take a few minutes to put things in perspective:

There is no God:p.

I feel really really small now, thanks for that!:slight_smile:

you mean universes, right?

amazing stuff.

Yep, could be only one of countless others. And then a “universe” may simply be a smaller component of something larger than that, and so on and so on, with no end. :sunglasses: And from the perspective of an atom, a single human body is like the size of a galaxy. From infinitely small to the infinitely vast. If we were able to magically harness the entire brain power of all 6 billion humans on earth into one super human computer, we would still not come close to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Wait a second, George W and a few others might taint the brain pool just a tad!:stuck_out_tongue:

In this book I’m reading, I learned about how inaccurate the textbook maps of our solar system are. They have to be because if they were accurate, on a scale with earth the size of a pea, the map would be something like 20,000 miles long.
And that’s just our solar system.

This place is f*cking huge!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I find this to be just as interesting.

It starts out with the 1st dimension, and works its way to the 10th.

I actually get the concept described in this video, but the person in the vid assumes there is not something that contains the entire infinities of big bangs… Which theoretically makes sense, but we don’t know that for sure, now do we?

It gets confusing, but try to follow along.

lol i just watched it and man it got confusing.I laughed when he was talking about “flatlanders” at the beginning.

There can only be one universe for us

Perhaps our common human project shall grasp and burn into HD all that can be written about anything that can be written about. This will still be only one volume. The unified verses. This was figured out a long time ago. It was named the universe.

By definition, you cannot have 2 universes. At least, not in literature. We may be ignorant of many things, but not of what we have read already. :slight_smile:

So as soon as any knowledge is part of the shared data base, it becomes part of our one universe. Stuff we don’t know yet, is still part of our universe, in the sense it may be messing with our lives, only it’s not part of the stuff we talk about. Unless we are guessing.:wink:

I doubt we (human project) will ever understand all about everything. But I am sure we won’t need volume two to explain what we learn. We each construct a universe in our heads, and that is the only universe anyone will ever see. :sunglasses: But outside our heads, it’s all the same place. :slight_smile:


mind boggling…

its interesting to note that the human mind simply cannot comprehend the size of the universe, or even the minute distance between earth and the sun
the figure doesn’t mean anything to us other than to be used in data. we just cannot grasp how enormously gargantuan it really is.

in reply to bold text: That’s what she said!

That wouldn’t happen to be Bill Bryson’s Short History of nearly Everything, would it?

man, that book was a good read
if anyone else is interested in the universe, buy or borrow a book by Fred Watson called: why is Uranus upside down?
it answers many of the FAQ’s about the universe. in it is some pretty interesting stuff too, like- For large optical telescopes, the primary mirror must me machined so that, if it was scaled to the size of N.S.W. (a state in Australia) the largest irregularity would be the width of a pencil. needless to say, these mirrors are expensive to say the least.

“The Universe is Big. Really big. It may seem like a long way to the corner chemist, but compared to the Universe, that’s peanuts.”
(Apologies to Douglas Adams)

Is Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’ repeated in the US? Totally inspired me in the 80s.


Which video?


Good point Feel the Light, Surely no one here needs to be reminded what the prefix “UNI” means.

One UNIverse that is UNIversal to all!

It certainly would!

I just finished listening to the audio book with Bryson reading it himself.
I read it a while back but still really enjoyed the audio book.
It’s grteat for long distance driving.

So says Cindy Loo Who.

I don’t really see how any of this makes us any less significant.
