How vast is the universe?

That was a very interesting video. And the dimension one is also a very good watch.

It makes me wonder how we acually know all this about the universe… It’s a cool concept but I have trouble believing that the tiny tiny planet shown in that video could acually have the technology to size up the universe accurately.

Haha the epitome of arrogance! Go BM!:stuck_out_tongue:

Super duper nano technology. Just as our current, soon to be primitive technology is able to put the worlds libraries on a chip the size of your thumbnail! Well, almost lol.:o

we can see objects on the other side of the universe through gravitational lensing which is a really cool and wierd concept since the universe is at least 93 billion light years across and expanding.

I got confused after the 4th … but understood the 7th-9th
And can someone explain 10 in english?

Every possible beginning, middle, and end to any conceivable universe.

Basically, the point in the tenth dimension is a set that contains anything that could ever happen. Make sense?

Gravitational lensing does not act like a telescope, giving us clearer images of distant objects, or bringing too-distant objects into view. Gravitational lensing works to distort the apparent position of visible objects.

What do you mean by “on the other side” of the universe? Are you implying we’re on a “side” of the universe? Or that the universe has sides?

actually gravitation lensing does act like telescope. here’s a quote from Magnification with a Gravitational Lens? : “One of the most distant observed objects in the universe, 13.4 billion light years, was observed with the help of the gravitational lens effect. The experimenters report an effective magnification of about 30, which allowed them to observe an object which would otherwise have been undetectable.”

ps. don’t be so uptight about everything i say. you can disagree nicely.

It takes intelligence and humility to realize that we will never know all the secrets of the universe, ignorance and arrogance to deny this fact, and stupidity and complacency to not at least try.:slight_smile:

By Terry Peterson

(“A mind is a terrible thing to waste”)

i agree. everything we learn about the universe only unlocks more questions.

Who made those questions in the first place then locked them up?

Here ya go.

i don’t get it

I did.

Phil, that’s a mirror.

I thought these were awesome. :astonished:

Biig Boys.bmp (419 KB)

Sun Comparision.bmp (419 KB)

is this issue open for discussion?

Or its corollary, “A waist is a terrible thing to mind.”

In infinitely simple terms by comparison, a circle has two sides, an inside and an outside…that is, somewhere about 8th dimension.

Yeah that’s from one of the videos I was contemplating posting, but was too hard to read the small print lol! And Antares, which is many hundreds of times the mass of our tiny Sun-and if it were our sun, would have to be billions of miles from us to keep from incinerating Earth-pales in comparison to a blue superGiant, which is nothing compared to a red supergiant! Oh what the heck, here:

This one is very well done:

It takes intelligence and humility to realize that YOU will never know all the secrets of the MuniAddict, ignorance and arrogance to deny this fact, and stupidity and complacency to not at least try.:slight_smile:

To avoid being thought of as stupid, I have to TRY to make both the universe and MuniAddict tell us all his secrets.

But didn’t someone say there was no trying, only doing or not doing?


I think it’s “do the dew!” I might just “try” it!