You don’t suck. I know it’s hard to be patient, but time and practice will get you there. Some learn in a day some in a month. Even when you are “there” you will always have challenges, therefore you are never really there. That’s the great thing about unicycling. Watch You Tube tutorials and videos. Practice a lot. Rest too. Have fun and don’t get discouraged. Everyone on this forum has been there.
They said you would always fall on your feet, too… Well, I almost always fall on my feet. I fell on my butt on the ASphalt (Get it? If you don’t, add another ‘s’. Ha… Ha… Fail.) today, and now it hurts to sit down… Thankfully, the sitting position on a unicycle is different; it doesn’t hurt to (fail to) ride a unicycle.
Well, I am impatient, but I am also stubborn. This will probably be the only thing my stubbornness will ever help me with.
So do I, but I’m stuck in the desert without one. I’ll have to get over myself too. But it took me about six weeks to learn to ride (give or take three years or so), so don’t despair. Your unicycle is undoubtedly much, much better for learning to ride on, and you will learn quicker. The main thing to perhaps keep in mind is that to do your attempts balanced. If you’re using the wall too much, it’s doing all the work and you aren’t learning how to balance. If you’re using the wall too little, you’re probably spending too much time getting back on, if you know what I mean.
Two days is nothing. Post up at the end of five days, bet you are a having at least some success by then.
It took me about 10 days at 10-20 minutes a day. I’m with John Foss, by day two or three you should be making some attempts to ride away from what you are holding on to. That fence/rail/wall becomes a crutch that is no longer helping you. Either that or start riding with your hand only brushing what you are riding next to and if you veer away go ahead and try to ride it out. But don’t expect that one day a light bulb clicks and you can ride around the block. It comes little by little, day by day and don’t get discouraged if you have some bad days where you seem to lose progress, everybody gets those and they usuallly come just before a big breakthrough the next day.
Riding a unicycle forward feels like falling forward and pedalling to catch up. You are keeping the uni under you, not you on top of the uni. That might not make totals sense now but it will in time. Keep reminding your self to relax and sit on the seat.
The trick to mostly falling on your feet is to bail when things start to go bad. Dont wait too long to abandon ship.
Unicycling is like learning music: it’s not an instant gratfication thing. That is why the rewards are so great.
Practise every day, taking breaks, and setting yourself small and achievable targets: 2 pedal strokes, then 3, 5, 10, the end of the path, the next junction, a mile, 5 miles, John o’Groats…
Stick with it man! I’m on Day 5 of learning and progress has been slow but I find it extremley fun! Keep your head up, the other day I got up to about 8 pedal strokes before falling.
Try to figure out what is giving you trouble. Falling off the back of the unicycle a lot? Riding too fast? Riding with jerky motions?
Whatever is happening, try to pay attention to it. If you are falling off the back of it a lot, try to lean a little farther forward, not just with your torso, but with your hips too.
Figure out what is going wrong and try to compensate… Sometimes its harder than others, but it can help.
Sadly, I learned a roll back mount before the static mount. It helped me idle, but off road it’s BS! and I can’t learn the static, I can jump mount and roll mount with limited success, but on technical terrain -forget about it. the static is the way to go, and despite pushing off the bent leg and hopping up, I can’t get far enough forward before I straighten the left leg. I am strongly considering having a friend punch my quad every time I fail, not to motivate me, but to weaken the leg that I muscle too much. any other ideas?
This may seem silly, but try jump mounts! I found i could static mount better after learning them as i was forced into landing with equal pressure on the pedals, different technique completely, but it worked!
Also try throw yourself forward more. for the static mount its all about weight on the seat and push yourself forward when first learning!
I got 3 static mounts to 1 belly flop today! that’s success in my book! Actually I got 5 static mounts, 3 I rode out of, and the crank swept my leg out from under me on one attempt. I have witnesses on all accounts; they appreciated the crash the most.
by far the easiest freemount: mount normally, but lean down and hold on to the tire. this will prevent the wheel from shooting away and will be pretty close to a regular freemount. request a video if ur confused