Has There Been Death Caused By Unicycling?

i put a grass hopper on my wheel so he could show me how to wheel walk but he got crushed in the hub

Same thing happened to me soon after I got my Coker, but the squirrel was running away from me. Just as I decided to veer off the bike path, so did the squirrel – and the chase resumed. Somehow, we both came out unscathed.

I chase squirrels on my unicycle. I have yet to catch and/or run over one.

Seeing some guy chasing squirrels on a unicycle is probably a pretty absurd sight, but it’s fun.

So as far as we know, no one has died from a unicycle accident, but theres a lot of ppl that enjoy tormenting rodents =p

I don’t know any death case.

A member of the family who teached me unicyling had a bad dismount off a tall unicycle, and felt with his back onto a pedal.
Next day he dived into a pool, broke his back, got paralized, and bound to 4 wheels for the rest of life.

So yes, his helmet and shinguards did’nt help, common sense and some dicipline might have.
Next time you dismount a tall unicycle forward you should remember above story.
And it wont hurt to be just very carefull.

i heward of a kid who was training to be in the circus and was on his uni and got hit by a car and never rode3 again:( but he did live

someone at my school died on friday in a car crash, its reeal sad, 2 kids have died at my school this year. about five or six have died in the past five years.

yeah kris holm couldv died more than once! he has ridden the edge of a 2000 foot cliff(or so i heard)on ripleys), i get shaky riding on like a five foot wall!

That reminds me of a story JeanPaul Jenack once told me. Not sure if it’s all true, but the story was of a guy dismounting a giraffe on a stage, where the wheel hit something while it was rolling out behind him. This stopped the wheel, and stopped the rider’s downward progress sharply enough to break his back. He supposedly landed in the audience, dead. But I’ve never heard of that story from any other sources, so not sure if it’s true.

Heard where? Any further info?

For David Stone, I’m not worried about earthquakes in Sacramento. We’re actually much more at risk for flooding. Our levies are in much worse condition than the ones in New Orleans (before Katrina, I presume). California is plenty safe as long as you use common sense: