Good Luck...Good Riding Kris!

Looks like he’s in 6th place now, after the third day.

Man I saw Kris on the news just before the race started! So flippin’ jealous… One of my friends rode with him when he was prototyping his geared uni! She convinced him to take a drop which then broke said prototype. :astonished:

Wow, Kris is doing such a great job being 5th since yesterday!!!

Go Kris. 5th and 2 days to go. Go Strong! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The Challenge, which Kris is doing, is “on average, 30km each day” (18.6 miles). The Epic is double that.

The results show a handful of riders are taking 5, 6, or 7 hours to complete a ride that takes Kris and others only 2 or 3 hours. But all of them, and anyone who has missed a day are “Not Officially Ranked” (NOR). The 11 riders who are ranked have fairly comparable times.

Comparing Kris to the 4th place rider so far, it doesn’t seem likely that Kris will overtake him. And in the past few days, the 6th and 7th place riders seem to be losing whatever advantage they had. They came in 13th and 14th in the day 5 stage. So I’d say Kris is in a comfortable 5th place.

Just some observations.

Here’s an observation…

Kris is a fitness machine to be riding 5th at this point in such a long bike race. He must be an absolute climbing ANIMAL, crushing most or all of the cyclists uphill, because of how much time he must lose on the downhills.

Funny, I’d have said the opposite. (…over such SHORT distances).

I’ve always been of the opinion that unicycles do better in longer races where the endurance of the rider is more (or at least as) important than pure speed. With the race split up as it is into 20 mile sections I’d have thought it would be harder for Kris to keep up than in a more enduro-type race.

Either way, being in 5th place is mighty impressive - go Kris :slight_smile:


I guess it depends on what type of singletrack it is, but 20 miles of singletrack at race pace is very endurance heavy, at least in Colorado.

and the trails he is doing here in BC are just about enough to make you cry. (At least me lol)

holm > armstrong


Way to go Kris!
26 people, and he’s in 5th on unicycle, coming in 25th would have been a great achievement, but this is something else, Keep it up!

Personally I’d say 5th in a race like that is good on a bike, and on a unicycle is amazing. It really shows the type of athlete Kris is and the amount of compassion he has for the sport. Way to go!

Of course, Kris doesn’t do what’s likely! Now Kris IS in 4th!

It’s kind of hard to see what happened on the chart. Did the previous 4th place rider do really bad? Did some other top rider miss the whole day? There are a lot of possibilities. All the time info it there, but the day rankings are only current for the current day. So it’s hard to see what changed from one day to the next.

It’s kick-ass that Kris is going this, but why do the top riders doing Epic distance have the same times as the people doing challenge? Am I missing something or is all the real competition up in Epic?

That is absolutely insane!!! Kris is racing against the top riders from around the world and he is in fourth place. They have him on the downhills, but I guess Kris can catch them on uphills and technical areas :astonished: .

Great Job!

Yeah, I would guess the real competition is in Epic, the top mtb riders are going to be entering in that, not the Challenge class, and the times are reflecting that.

Well done kris

:slight_smile:Well Done Kris for coming 4th after 7 and 1/2 days! :sunglasses:
Its singletrack and to come in 4th after 7 days of racing is a 1st so well done!

For the one’s that are saying that He was in the easy race. Show us your best next year! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: !!

That is amazing, I can’t believe how well he’s done!! Its amazing, I find it hard going to ride for 3 hours straight, let alone at speed in a race!

Well done Kris

That is impressive. I wish there were some video of the race. The only way I would be 4th in a race is if there were four total riders:D.

I’m not trying to put Kris down AT ALL! I think its a fantastic start for unicycling. I just don’t want people to have the impression that he is 4th while competing against the best mountain bike riders in the world. That misinterpretation could be more damaging for unicycling than helpful. What would be truly awesome would be to stack the challenge class with 10, 20, or 30 unicyclists to really make a competition for us. I don’t give a damn about how we do against bikes, but having a major bike event accomodate us is a major accomplishment.